Crazy shit hun

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Adore's POV

"Shit. Can we go to another Starbucks?"
I didn't want to talk to Roy right now.
"I don't know, CAN we?"
"Shut the fuck up Katya, look who's in there."
"Are you ready to talk? You could sit at a table with him. I can wait."
"No no no! Today is our day to relax. I can talk with him later."
We started going to another Starbucks so I could avoid talking to Roy, but he had saw us outside. He ran out.
"Danny! Can we please talk? I really need to explain things."
"I can't talk now, I'm busy."
And we walked away.

     The drag show went very smoothly. Even though Bianca was there, I completely ignored him. We made eye contact once, and I could tell he was going to say something, but before he got a chance I ran on stage.

     After the gig we made our way to a club a few streets down. I thought Bianca would go back to her hotel room, but for some reason she came to the club with us. It was so awkward. All the girls were getting drunk, so I decided to join in.

Bianca's POV

      It was crazy awkward. We kept making eye contact, but she wouldn't say anything. She looked beautiful. Her ignoring me was like getting stabbed in the chest. I couldn't  take it anymore. I decided to go out with the girls after the gig to take my mind off of things and just get drunk.

Adore's POV

    I was so fucking wasted.
All the other girls were super drunk too. I couldn't really see well, but I think Bianca was drunk too.
Bianca came up to me.
"Hey chola, you're fucking wasted!!"
"I know right!!? You are too!"
Then we started making out. I wasn't aware of anything I was doing. I was just a horny drunk drag queen in a club.
We started making our way to the door. In the corner of my eye I could see Katya. She mouthed,
"Use protection!"

     We made our way outside and into my Honda Civic. Then we started ripping our clothes off.
"Shit! I've been wanting to do this for a long fucking time."
"Me too bitch. Now fuck me."
And we fucked.
It was so much fun. I could see people outside giving looks as the car was bouncing up and down. But it was so fucking fun. Damn did I miss Bianca.

   We somehow made it back to Bianca's hotel room at night. And I woke up.
"What the- what the fuck!? Where am I? Why am I naked? What the fuck, Bianca!!?"
Bianca woke up, yawned, and noticed what happened.
We both had smeared lipstick, and we were both naked.
"How the fuck did this shit happen?!"
I was so pissed. I tried my best to find my way out, and I ended up right back in.
"I think we got crazy drunk last night."
I threw on a hotel robe and grabbed my clothes and ran out.
"Wait?! Can we talk about this?"
I yelled down the hall.

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