Sexy's Pizza

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Adore's POV

Tonight. I had to do it tonight. After the drag show, I'll take her out to eat and I'll tell her my feelings. I don't care if she doesn't have feelings back. I just need her to know. When she was reading the queens tonight, and my picture came up, she looked so nervous. But then she said she loved me. I knew she probably meant that as a friend kind of way, but that could have meant something more.

"Hey so um, Bianca?"
"What do you want, Chola."
I was so nervous to ask her.
"Want to run back to the hotel, change, and go get a bite to eat?"
She blushed. She looks so cute.
"Sure Chola. But let's go some place that doesn't have shitty food."
This was it. I was going to tell her.

We got a taxi to our hotel, and got de-dragged. I threw on some black jeans, my doc martens, and a Guns & Roses shirt. Roy put on a black t-shirt, ripped jeans, and converse. He looked so bad ass.
I was hoping to go to some fancy place downtown, but it was 3 in the morning, and all the fancy places were closed. So we decided to go to a place called Sexy's Pizza.
Pizza and Roy, my two favorite things.

We ordered a large pepperoni pizza, and had small talk until the pizza came out.
We ate the whole thing. Now I had to say it.
"So, Roy, I have to tell you something, and it may make you uncomfortable. But I have to tell you this now."
"You just in general make me uncomfortable, this probably won't be worse."
We laughed, but I really needed to let this out.
"But I'm serious right now, this is really important."
"Look, Danny, I have to tell you something too. It'll probably throw you off at first. But you say what you have to say first."
I wonder what he is going to say. But I'll tell him now so I can give him the chance to run away and hate me forever.
"Okay. Roy. I have.... I have had feelings for you ever since I first saw you walk in the door on Drag Race. You make me so happy. I love every moment I spend with you. I love when you are being a downright bitch, which is always. I.. I love you so incredibly much, and if you don't love me back, I accept that. I just want you to know, you are amazing."
He didn't say anything. His face got red. Shit. Fucking shit. I am such a dumb bitch. He doesn't feel the same way. Shit. Why did I do this. I have made myself look like a huge dumb ass at 3:30 am at a pizzeria. Shit.
"Listen, Danny-"
"I am so stupid. I'm sorry Roy. I should just leave. I can't believe I thought we had a chance."
I got up and started walking out the door. But then, Roy grabbed my arm and scooped me into a kiss.

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