Romantic shit

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Danny's POV

He kissed me. He fucking kissed me. Right then and there. At one of my favorite places, the pizzeria. He kissed me. I was so surprised at first. But then, I just closed my eyes and hoped the moment would never last. I could kiss him forever.
"So do you still think I don't have feelings for you, bitch?"
I blushed. We walked out of Sexy's Pizza and got into a cab. Throughout the whole ride to the hotel room Roy's hand was wrapped around mine. This was really going to happen.
Roy's POV

I kissed him. Jesus fucking Christ. Right after he told me he had feelings for me I kissed him. I couldn't help it. I've been wanting to do that shit for a long ass time. I was so incredibly happy. I just wanted to spend every moment with him doing mushy romantic shit. I held myself back, and held his warm hands for the whole cab ride.

When we got to the hotel room, we changed into some comfy clothes. I couldn't help but notice Danny staring at me while I was changing. Actually, he always has watched me change. I thought I was just imagining it beforehand, but now I know he was.
We both sat on the couch, which was super small and probably not meant for two people to sit on, not that I mind being smushed next to Danny. I put on the movie "Paris Is Burning" (which is about drag queens, of course) and cuddled with Danny. This was the bestest night ever.
Danny's POV

Cuddling with him was like cuddling with a teddy bear. The movie was great, but greater with Roy next to me. I ended up falling asleep on him. I would have never thought this would be happening. I wanted to just make out with him. But hold the fuck up Danny, take this slow.

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