"It's up to you. Whatever you want. If that's what you want then-"

"Do you want to call us something other than Ant and Dec? It's not completely up to us. You have to feel comfortable with it too."

"I don't know. I think it's a little too much right now. Maybe we can see what comes naturally."

"Okay." Dec looked a little let down.

"If you want me to-"

"No. No. I want you to do what you want. When it happens, it happens."

"Okay." I nodded.


I nearly jumped out of my skin. "What was that?!"

Dec looked down at an odd looking device. "Ant said they got what they were looking for. We should head back now. Come on." He turned back in the direction of the house. I think. I don't know where we are.

"Wait, Ant's not here. How do you know what he said?"

"This is called a phone, which can send messages to a person. It's like writing a letter only a lot faster."

"Okay." I followed Dec back to the house.

A phone? Why not just talk to them in person?

Dan's POV

We slowly walked up the stairs. Well I slowly walked up the stairs. Ant was a step ahead of me, trying to convince me that there was nothing to worry about.

"It's ok, Dan. There's nobody here that can hurt you. Remember, you're trying to help your sister."

Three more steps. Two more steps. One more step. And then I found myself at the door. But I couldn't bring myself to open it. My hand rested on the handle.

The handle that I had so desperately tried to open everyday. Hoping I could let in more air at least, in that suffocating room. But it was always locked.

Finally I pushed my way through. I had to go in.

And I immediately regretted it.

All the memories came rushing back as I ran to the chains. I bent down and squeezed my fingers through one of the floorboards. I pulled and pulled. Images of screaming and yelling flashed before my eyes. And then finally, finally, the board loosened. Until it bent back just enough.

I reached my hand in and felt what I had hidden so many years ago. I stood up, with it in hand, and turned around.

Ant had been watching the whole time.

But I didn't have time to think, because I felt as if I was going to pass out from just being here. We ran out of the house.

Ant pulled out a device, tapped his fingers, and stuffed it back in his pocket.

"What was that?"

"A phone. It lets you communicate with people who aren't around you. It's like a letter but faster." Ant explained.

A phone. Hmm, how useful.

Dec's POV

I wanted to run back to the others. At least all together, we felt more like a family. But right now, it felt like just as things were falling into place, they were also falling apart. 

Once we had reached the others, I rushed up to Ant. "Do you think this is actually going to work?"

"Only one way to find out." Ant said. "Dan, show her."


What was everyone talking about?!

Dan walked up to me with his hands behind his back.

What could he possibly have that-

Dan pulled out a small grey elephant and held it out in front of him.

I didn't know what to do. I just stared at it. It looked familiar, but what was it supposed to do that everyone kept mentioning?

Dan frowned. "Don't you remember?" He said quietly.

I shook my head no.

"Well it's yours. So here." He sounded upset. I took it from him. He turned and sat in the car.

I looked down at the elephant.

I remembered.

"Oh, I got this for you, Rowan." He pulled something out from behind his back and shook it in my face. "It's a little stuffed elephant, see. It was all I could get. I'll keep it hidden for you, okay."

"I still love you Rowan, even if Mommy and Daddy don't anymore."

And now I'm confused. That was the old me. Rowan was happy and hopeful. Full of energy.

Red is the new me. She's a new beginning. An escape from the bad. Then again, she is the result of the bad.

But Rowan is Dan's sister. Rowan is the one who Dan loves and will protect. And I want to be Dan's sister.

"Let's just go." I said to Ant and Dec.

We drove away from the house, hopefully for the last time. Dan stared out the window, leaving one space in between us. I leaned over.

"Don't worry." I whispered to Dan.

He didn't say anything back. He didn't turn. He only continued to watch the passing houses. I looked out the other window. And I didn't say another word the rest of the ride.


Hi! I'm back! And guess what? It was my birthday yesterday! I'm finally 14. It feels really weird.

And also if you are looking for another book to read, @SupremeFangirling has started a book for the Jaspar fans. It's called Uncover and she updates frequently. I've only read a little bit so far and it's really good so you can check that out too. And I think that's it.

Keep it real ~Logan

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