Chapter 15

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That's them. Dan and Red.

Red's POV

I woke up a little later.

"Oh, good. You're awake."

I look up and see Jonny in front of the bed. His arms are behind his back and his face shows a big smile.

"Yes, I am." I sit up. "What did you mean before, about needing my help?"

"Oh, I need to see my family. Well I need you to talk to them. I can't see them anymore. Once you do that, I'll be free."

"Free?" I question.

"I can be in peace. Be happy. Of course, you probably want to trade, right?"


"I give you something and you give me something."

"There's no need for that. I do things all the time. I don't think I should get anything in return. Why not just help you?"

"That's true. But I want to give you something back. For agreeing to help."

"That's what you want?"


"Ok, then."

"So what would you like?"

"Me? I- uh-"

"Do you want a toy? Or some new clothes? It could be anything."

"Anything? I have to find Dan first."

I jumped out of the bed and ran out into the hall. I quickly walked down, peeking into doors until finally- finally- I saw Dan. I rushed into the room and heard Jonny behind me. He looked awful.

"No. Dan. Please be okay." I kneeled at the side of his bed and brushed the hair out his eyes.

His eyes opened slowly. "Rowen? Where are- Ow!" He grabbed his head in pain.

"What's wrong?!"

"It feels like somebody is hitting me in the head with a hammer."

"What's a- never mind." I look toward Jonny. "Please, make him healthy. Is that possible, could you help him?"

"Is that what you want? You don't want something for yourself?"

"No, please."

"I can try." He stood up straight, squeezed his eyes shut. After a bit, he took his finger and his thumb and rubbed them against each other, quickly pulling down.

"What was that?" I ask.

"I did my best."

"No the-" I held up my fingers.

"Oh, snapping. It's like a trick with your fingers."

I nod. Just then I hear Dan gasp. I look at him and see his bruises and red marks lighten up. But they don't go away completely. His eyes open wider than before and he sits up with more strength. His body and face become fuller and the bones disappear beneath his skin ever so slightly. He turns a slightly darker shade and his teeth lighten and straighten.

"Rowan, what just happened?"

"You're healthy! Sort of. But now you won't die, you're not as ill anymore." I jump up and wrap my arms around him.

He rubs my back and I pull away as he starts to speak. "What happened to you?" He asks more clearly now.

"What do you-" I cut myself off as I look down at my no longer bony fingers. I slowly move my arm around. My shoulder. It's healed.

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