My Baby

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Jasmine's POV

"Oh my god what the hell did I do," I said as I looked over at the naked Bruno. He had the sheet coving from his waist down. And his little womp is done. I swear all we did was have sex. I told my boyfriend I wouldn't be at home for a while because I was in France. Bruno tod his girlfriend that he was in England. So that's at least a week we got to ourselves.

"Baby girl where you going," I heard Bruno groan. I put on my panties and my bra.

"I'm hungry Bruno," I whined and he smiled with his eyes still closed. I walked into the kitchen and saw Trey sitting there.

"Trey what are you doing here," I asked surprised.

"Well I came to make sure everything here was ok and I didn't expect you to be here," he said grabbing my waist.

"Umm let me go put on some clothes," I said. He nodded and I ran back to my bedroom shutting the door.

"Oh look who came back," Bruno smiled.

"Shut up Bruno my boyfriend is outside the door so you have to fucking hide," I whisper yelled.

"Baby is everything ok in there," he yelled.

"Yeah baby everythings fine," I yelled.

"Can I come in," he asked.

"Not yet peeping Tom," I laughed. I picked up all Bruno's clothes and threw him and his things in the closet. I had my sweats and a t-shirt on with some footsies.

"Baby I'm comin in," he said opening the door. He walked in all the way and came and grabbed my waist. I couldn't get my hair up because I smell like Bruno.

"Why do you smell like men cologne," he asked.

"Beacause I umm bought me some axe and put it on," I said.

"Ok but anyways baby I was thinkin before you leave I can get a little od this ass," he said sitting on the bed.

"Umm no baby I'm exhausted," I sighed.

"Why," he asked.

"Because I was up late and couldn't sleep and then I was stressin about this little France trip and my music so a lot of shit was going on," I explained.

"Ok baby girl I'll get going call me text me Facetime if you need me ok," he said and I smiled.

"Ok baby thank you," I said kissing his cheek. I walked him to the door and he walked out.

"Baby when hyou get back I have a plan for you to meet some people," he said and I nodded.

"Ok," I smiled. He walked to his Benz and I closed the door. I ran back to my room and walked into my closet.

"Bruno," I called and no answer.

"Bruno," I called. I then heard sobs. Oh I feel so guilty why am I cheating on my boyfriend with my exe. I'm finna end up on Maury. I then saw him sitting on the floor next to all my heals.

"Bruno what's wrong," I asked as I sat next to him.

"Nothin umm did you finish breakfast yet," he asked.

"No I'm going to go in there and finish in a minute why what's going on," I asked and he shook his head saying nothing.

"Is it hot in here or is it just me," I asked and he smiled.

"Nah it's hot as hell," he chuckled. I took my shirt off and went to grab a tank top. I put my hair in a messy bun and walked out the closet and he followed.

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