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Bruno's POV

After she made the bed and put the kids in it she went to the bathroom to shower. She hasn't said anything to me the whole trip home. I went into the kitchen and made me a sandwhich. I sat down at the Island and ate some. I then called Phil.

"What you want Bruno," he asked.

"I'm sorry man it's just Jasmine man she ain't talkin to me," I sighed.

"Ooh you gettin the silent treatment my man good luck with that," he said.

"Wait wait please man help me out," I begged.

"Are you tellin me you never got the silent treatment before," Phil laughed.

"I mean no I'm to sexy for that shit and I mean she won't even look at me," I sighed.

"Well your gonna have to wait till the kids leave," he said.

"That's too long," I groan.

"It's ok," he laughed.

"Alright man thanks," I said.

"Alright man," he said nd hung up. I finished my sandwhich and walked into the living room. She was asleep on the couch. She had my shirt on and her fuzzy socks. I went to the bedroom to check on the boys and Nyjah was sitting up.

"What's up Ny," I asked.

"I'm really like her Unk I mean she saved my brothers life," he explained.

"I really like her too just try and get some sleep ok and we'll talk tomorrow," I smiled and so did he.

"Ok thanks Unk," he said and I smiled. He fell laid down and I turned off the light. I then walked into the living room where she was on her phone.

"Hey baby what you doin," I asked. She turned her back on me. I went and grabbed her like she was a baby. I sat down so she was on top of me. She just kept staring at her phone.

"What did I do baby," I asked and she ignored me. I then grabbed her phone.

"Bruno give it back," she whined.

"Not until you tell me what's wrong," I smiled.

"You didn't fucking listen to me that's what fucking happened," she whisper yelled.

"Look I'm sorry I didn't listen," I pout and she giggles. She looks down and I lift her chin.

"You can't be lookin at junk baby girl," I joke and she laughs.

"But I can feel it," she says as she grinds on me. I get hard instantly.

"Stop it,"I groan. She stops and kisses me.

"I love you Bruno," she said.

"I love you too baby but we can't have our fun or we will wake up the kids," I said.

"Now can I have my phone back," she asked.

"Nope not yet," I said.

"Why not," she whined.

"Because I want to know," I said.

"Know what," she asked.

"When my house get's finished will you move in with me," I smiled.

"Umm no," she said reaching for her phone.

"Why not," I whined.

"Because Bruno we haven't been together that long," she sighed. I grabbed her waist.

"But have already proven to me that you love me," I said.

"Well I do I just think it's to soon for that," she smiled.

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