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Jasmine's POV

I walked out the door and saw the boys drinking soda and talking to each other. I just kept walking. I can't believe Bruno didn't say anything. I can't believe Bruno told her. I then saw the boys running behind me. I was a block from the house.

"What are you guys doing," I giggle.

"Following you," Zyah said.

"Why," I asked.

"Because you stood up for us and now if someone bothers you we got your back," Jaimo said and I smiled.

"Thanks guys how about we go and get some ice cream and head to the park," I asked.

"Cool lets go," Nyjah said.

"Your awesome," Liam said and I smiled.

Bruno's POV

I didn't know what to do. My family just looked at me.

"Bruno you fuck up every good relationship," Eric laughed.

"Shut up," I said.

"No it's true she has been there for you every step of the way through all your bullshit she the girl who just left was your friend," he said.

"And I mean I had the guys," I scoff.

"But how many girls was your friend that talked to you and laughed with you," he asked and I shrugged.

"And then she says she's possibly pregnant and you let her walk out," he yells.

"Look I messed up ok," I said running my hands down my face. We then heard Jessica groan.

"What happened," she asked.

"You got knocked the fuck out," I laughed.

"That bitch I swear Bruno you pick the nastiest bitch of them all to be your girl," she scoffed.

"Umm I would run," I laugh.

"Why," she questioned.

"Because the bitch is behind you," I lied. She slowly turned around and when she noticed it was no one there she glared back at me.

"You know now I'm not gonna give you the scoop of your little girlfriend," she said.

"Alright what's the scoop," I asked.

"Well she's using you for your money," she started.

"God damn lie she makes her on money and I am actually staying at her place right now because you burned my house down," I said and everyone stared at us.

"Well I was angry and anyways she's been lying to you the whole time," she said.

"And how is that," I asked.

"Well she was a drug dealer and a good one. She also killed her exe in cold blood and she changed her name from Gina to Jasmine," she said.

"You know what you need to stop lying," I laughed.

"Ok then whatever ask her. Also ask her is she from barbados," she laughed.

"Actually she is she told me," I said and her face dropped.

"Ok why don't we cut the shit and you tell me what you really want," I sigh.

"I want you," she said.

"Bullshit because once you had me you cheated on me so don't try and play me," I said. Tahiti got up and I guess went to go find the kids.

"Yeah I made a mistake but who was there to help you through your tour and when you got arrested and when you where stressed," she said.

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