Chapter 9

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Tobin's realization at the restaurant was something she kind of wished she didn't notice. Of course Servando still loved Alex. They only broke up because distance was doing them no good and because Tobin and Alex realized of their feelings, not because they fell out of love. But did Alex still love him too? She didn't have a chance to observe, but by the way she kept comforting Tobin during lunch in ways Servando never noticed made her feel at ease.

The weeks passed by and everything was fine. Tobin and Alex's affection patterns remained the same, even strengthened after Tobin joined the Thorns team officially, helping the team connect in a way they hadn't since forever. Of course, they still hadn't told anyone about their relationship. For Tobin, it was nice having it between them for awhile. For Alex (and also Tobin, but she didn't verbalize it much), it was the fact that coming out to practically the whole world was still very terrifying.

There was something that changed, though. Slowly, Servando was creeping back into Alex's life. It started with running into each other "coincidentally" at the grocery store while Tobin was with Allie. Then, it was texting each other to keep in touch. Alex wasn't trying to hide it though, she could care less if Tobin scrolled through her phone - she had nothing to hide. But Tobin could read in between the lines, and she knew Servando was putting an effort into whatever this was. He still loved Alex and had no idea she and Tobin were together. He assumed she was still single, so he was trying to build their relationship again. Tobin didn't share any of these thoughts with Alex. She knew Alex at most would assume she was jealous and call it cute, so Tobin kept it to herself.

On a Wednesday morning, Tobin hopped off the couch, running into the kitchen after she checked her phone. She found Alex sitting at the table with her laptop in front of her. Her eyes were scanning the screen as if she was reading something.

"Lex, do you know what's in four days?!" The midfielder bounced up and down over to the striker.

Alex raised an eyebrow at her. "Sunday?"

"Yes! And do you know what happens on Sunday?" Tobin asked eagerly.

"We play a game against the number one team in the league?" Alex watched her girlfriend, having no idea where this was going.

"Exactly! And you know who's on that team?"

The younger girl said the first name that came to her mind when she thought of FCKC. "Cheney?"

"BINGO!" Tobin jumped up and down. "I get to see Cheney!"

Alex laughed at Tobin's excitement, getting up from the table. "Babe, we just saw her a few weeks ago."

"But still," Tobin grinned. "I'm going to play her with 'Holiday' on her back!"

The striker giggled at her girlfriend's grin, wrapping her arms around the girl's middle to make her stay in place. "You're too cute Tobs," she smiled leaving a kiss on her cheek.

The shorter girl wrapped her arms around Alex's next, pressing her forehead against the other. "Too cute for you?"

"Always," Alex smiled. "Oh speaking of this weekend, Servando's coming to visit!"

Tobin pulled her forehead away from Alex's and gave her a questioning look. "What?"

"He has a free weekend and wanted to see more of Portland and catch one of our games," the younger girl shrugged like it was no big deal. She kissed the top of Tobin's head and slipped out of her embrace without much force.

Tobin allowed her slip away with her hands falling limp at her sides. "So why are you two suddenly good friends again anyway?"

Alex shrugged, hopping back into her seat in front of the laptop. "I don't know. Just after running into him a couple of weeks ago got us talking again. I'm glad we can still be friends after a long relationship, you know?" The midfielder absentmindedly hummed in agreement, wishing Alex could notice what she did.

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