Chapter 4

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Game day

Chapter Text

Tobin avoided Alex as much as she could that day. If Alex would ask, she knew to say it was just the game getting to her, but Alex never asked. She spent most of the time before they loaded the bus in her room, and Julie was nice enough to keep her company. The midfielder was really taking a liking to the new girl. She was willing to learn, but also had a few tricks up her sleeve when it came to the field. They were both mindlessly scrolling on their phones when a question came into Tobin's head.

"Are you sad that you didn't make the lineup this game?"

The younger girl looked up from her phone and replied with a shrug. "Not really. I mean, yeah kinda, but I got my first cap last game and it's my first camp."

Tobin smiled at her. "I like your way of thinking, JJ."

"Your way of thinking isn't so bad either," Julie laughed softly, putting her phone to the side. "Hey, can I ask you something?"


The blonde paused before opening her mouth, as if not sure if she could continue, but she did anyway. "Are you and Alex okay?"

"What do you mean?" Tobin's ears perked up in interest. She didn't know other people could notice so quickly. Is it that obvious? I hope not. Tobin thought to herself.

"You aren't talking to her as much as you usually do. You're basically avoiding her. Actually, I think you've been spending more time with me than with her. Is there something wrong?"

"You don't have to tell me or anything, but I'm just wondering if everything's okay." Julie also added.

The older girl sighed putting her phone by her side. "We're not in a fight, if that's what you're asking."

"Then what is it?" Julie seemed confused.

"It's just that I have a couple of things I need to get straight in my mind. That's all." Tobin tried to keep it simple, but she knew this situation was way more complicated than that.

"Oh," the younger girl nodded. "Does she know that?"

"Not exactly" she replied slowly.

The blonde took this into consideration as she said, "I think she notices, Tobs."

"Notices what?" Tobin asked completely clueless.

"The fact that you're kinda avoiding her."

She looked at the rookie in surprise. "She does?" To her, Alex seemed totally normal. Sure, Tobin wasn't interacting with her as much as she always did, but the forward didn't seem to have too much of a problem with that.

Julie nodded slowly. "She's definitely picked up on it. I catch her looking over at us when we're with the rest of the team. She tries to get your attention, but you direct your focus elsewhere. I don't know how much longer she can go before she thinks you're mad at her."

"But I'm not mad at her," Tobin groaned, falling back onto her bed.

"I know that and you now that, but Alex doesn't," the blonde pointed out. "And tonight's the last night we have together as a team. I don't know about you, but I'm pretty sure Alex doesn't want to end things like this."

There she was, getting advice from the little rookie. It was strange, really. Shouldn't it be the other way around?

"You have a lot of thinking to do today."

Tobin let out a frustrated groan. "I really do."

The rest of the day before they loaded the buses, Tobin stayed mostly to herself. Julie had left to go hang out with Crystal and Morgan, so she stayed in her hotel room alone and let her thoughts take over. There was no denying it any longer. Tobin had strong feelings for Alex. What am I gonna do? I can't just tell her. I'll just hope these feelings will subside. It wasn't as if Tobin could keep attempting to steer clear of the striker. Today was going to be the last day of camp and after that Tobin would be living with Alex in Portland and play with her on the Thorns. Her life was going to become Alex twenty four-seven. Not that she minded that.

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