Chapter 7

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The plane ride was fine between the two, but Tobin didn't dare voice her worries because she was afraid of who might hear her. Instead, she let her leg press up against Alex's as a means for comfort. After they arrived, Tobin had to hold herself back from hooking her arm around the forward or holding her hand because she knew cameras could click at any given moment. They made their way to the hotel they would stay in for a couple of nights as threw their luggage to the side.

"Traveling always wears me out," Alex said as she fell onto her bed.

"Me too," Tobin admitted, crawling onto the same bed as Alex instead of going to her own. "We still have a few hours before we should get ready."

The forward opened her arms up for Tobin to snuggle into. "What do we do until then?"

"I don't know," the older girl shrugged as she allowed Alex to wrap her arms around her waist. "I feel like here's a pretty comfortable place to be."

Alex grinned at the midfielder, kissing her forehead softly. "I agree."

They lay in silence for a moment, enjoying their time alone together. Tobin went over and over her thoughts in her head, knowing she had to figure her concerns out sooner or later. Alex was not helping the case however while she let her lips run along Tobin's neck.

"Lex?" Tobin murmured softly. Alex hummed in response, not letting her lips leave Tobin's neck. "So...what are we?"

The younger girl pulled away from her teasing to look at Tobin. She knew better than to ask what the older girl meant. It had been dancing around her mind as well. "We're..." She thought for a few minutes, but no answered came to her. It was what Tobin had expected.

"Exactly. I know we're best friends but, what else?" The dirty blonde bit her lip, praying that Alex didn't want to stop and end what they were having.

"Well," Alex said, propping herself up on her elbow so she could look down at the older girl. Tobin noticed the way her bun was coming undone and the stray hairs were surrounding her face. She liked that. "I really like you, Miss Heath."

Tobin's heart swelled at the sound of that sentence, but instead of being serious, she decided to go with her sarcastic answer. "Really? I couldn't tell with all the kissing and sex and cuddling."

The younger girl couldn't help but laugh, swatting Tobin's arm. "Shut up." When she received a cheeky grin from Tobin, she continued. "So we're basically together, right?"

"You haven't asked me officially, so until then..." Alex smirked.

Tobin cleared her throat before getting up and bringing Alex with her. She got on one knee an said, "Will you, Alex Morgan, give me the honor to be my girlfriend?"

Alex let out a laugh before lifting Tobin up.

"Of course you little dork" she smiled widely at Tobin.

"But I'm your dork" she gave her a peck on the cheek.

Tobin was now reassured that this wasn't something that was hanging by a thread. She knew Alex wouldn't cut this off at any given moment because she wanted Tobin as much as Tobin wanted her. " we tell our teammates or..?"

Alex hesitated a bit. "Tobs, I..."

"I'm not ready either," the older girl admitted, knowing exactly what Alex was hesitating for. "We don't have to tell anyone now. I just didn't know if you wanted to."

The younger girl immediately relaxed at Tobin's words. "You're the best."

"It's the swag," Tobin smirked, her playfulness returning after her concerns had been resolved.

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