Chapter 6

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The first few weeks were pure bliss for Alex and Tobin. Quickly getting used to a place to call home, routines became natural for the two. Tobin's bed still hadn't been used since she moved in because every night she'd fall asleep with the young striker in her arms in Alex's bed. Since the day Tobin moved in, things changed between them. Sure, maybe they kissed and maybe did a bit more than make out now, but they were still best friends anyway. Neither came to question it afraid that the other might back out of whatever they had started. For now they enjoyed being friends who did more than just friend activities.

Tobin was making breakfast one morning because Alex had a game that evening and she didn't want her to be up to too much before she had to play. She was just popping some bread into the toaster when a voice from a few feet away made her smile.

"You look cute when you cook," Alex cooed softly, prancing her way over to Tobin. Her hair was loose on her shoulders and it was obvious she had just woken up.

The midfielder turned to face the taller girl. "Just like how you look cute when you do...everything?"

"Oh, so I looked cute last night?" Alex smirked, quirking an eyebrow.

A blush immediately rose to Tobin's cheeks and she turned away and put the scrambled eggs on the table. "Shut up," she mumbled blushing.

The younger girl couldn't help but laugh at Tobin's sudden discomfort. She helped set the table and then hooked an arm around the shorter girl's waist. "Thank you for breakfast."

"I had to - it's game day," she grinned. "Don't want you running around with an empty stomach."

"You're coming to watch today, right?" Alex asked after pecking Tobin's forehead gently.

Tobin hummed in confirmation as the toaster made a noise. "Yup, I'll be on the sidelines with you. Coach wants me to watch from field level and take things in mind." She slipped out of Alex's grip quickly grabbing the toast and running back to the table to drop them on the plates.

Alex couldn't help but laugh. "You should've taken the plates over to the toaster."

"I do what I want," the dirty blonde stuck her tongue out.

"Well you made me breakfast so I can't complain," the forward shook her head, taking her seat at the table. "In eight days from now, you'll be playing with me!" To say she was excited for this was a complete understatement. The way her team had been playing lately had definitely been stressing her out, but she knew Tobin could help fix it when she would start to play with them.

"Hopefully," Tobin chuckled taking a bite out of her toast. "I'm starting as a sub, anyway."

"You're gonna be put in, I know it," Alex gave her a reassuring smile before digging into her breakfast. "Why don't you cook more often?" She let out a sigh of satisfaction as she took a bite of the scrambled eggs.

"Cause you're usually the one who cooks," Tobin pointed out like it was obvious. "Plus, I usually live off of snacks, remember?"

"How can I forget when every week we go grocery shopping you beg me to buy you five bags of chips?" Alex rolled her eyes as if she were annoyed, but the two knew that wasn't the case. In fact, Alex found it adorable. When it came to going to the grocery store, there were moments when Tobin would act like a child who felt like she absolutely needed that snack or else she'd die from not having any. There were little things that she learned about Tobin just from living with her (aside from the fact she was a really good kisser) and she really liked those things about her. It was things people who were just friends with her didn't know.

They ate in silence for a moment before Tobin asked, "Do you need me to finish packing your stuff?"

Alex shook her head as she swallowed down some orange juice. "No, it's fine. I'll finish it before we go to the stadium, babe." Tobin's fork froze in position as she raised an eyebrow cautiously. They hadn't really used pet names for each other besides the obvious nicknames everyone else called them. Alex noticed her gaze, but was completely oblivious to what she could've been confused about. "What?"

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