Chapter 8

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R. I. L. E. Y.

I take the necklace in my moist palms and walk towards the others.

"Hey guys look what i found!" I say starting to jog up to the big tree with all the food set up. Everyone must of been waiting for me.

"what is it?" Smackle asks. I sit next to her and show her the starfish charm. She flashes me a warm smile. "Is it one of yours?" I ask Maya and Smackle. They both shake there heads. "You should keep it, To remind you of this glorious day." Farkle says. I smile.

"Here let me help you." Smackle says as i give her the necklace and turn around. She puts it around my neck as i hold my tangled hair up. "There we go." She says. "Thank you." I simply say and sit beside her and Lucas.

I eat a sandwich and a bit of my salad that i brought with some spring water. Everyone else has cake, soda and wings. I'm a healthy person but no one makes a big deal out of it. We eat in silence, wanting to enjoy our meals.

"Wow, that's all your eating?" Lucas asks me surprised. I swallow the remains in my mouth and speak. "Yes, anything wrong?"

"No it's just that you're going to become a stick that's all." He says looking down at his food. Everyone looks up from there food. I'm now pissed at him again.

"You're not in the position to tell me what i can and cannot eat." I say powerfully. "Oh yeah and what are you gonna do about it?" This is exactly what Lucas said the day of the prank. I think he noticed as well.

I smirk mischievously, "i think you might be underestimating my character." Lucas shuts up.

I stand up and take my towel with me and walk to another spot. "Where are you going?" Maya asks with a worried tone.

"As far as i can get away from him." I say as i point to Lucas. I take my camera that i brought and walk to the other side of the beach. I hear a few things before I'm gone. "Look what you've done!" Maya shouts. "Guys, just give her some space." Josh says.

I'm not far from them but I'm not close either.

The sun is still shining and the waves are still bright. I take out my camera and take a few shots of the sea. No matter what i do I can't stop thinking about what he said.

You're going to become a stick.

You know what? Who cares. It's not like he was lying. I used to think i was larger than every other girl but got over it. I still eat healthy though because i got used to it though i never had a disorder.

I hear foot steps coming closer to me but ignore them and keep taking photos. Then i see who it is. Him.

Lucas sits next to me but i stare at the ocean and not at him. I don't want to meet his gaze.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what got into me." He starts. Well you should be, I thought.

"I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm a good guy, you have to know that." He goes on. Please, as if.

"You're not a nice person." I say bluntly. "You're one to talk." He grins and chuckles. "Hey, i can be nice if i wanted to." I snap back. "Hmm..." He says tapping his chin. "say something nice then."

I think about it for a moment because I can't find anything really.

"Fine, you're very good-looking." I say. He smiles widely. "I like this 'nice' thing." I hit him Playfully.

"So we're good?" He asks. "Only if you never say something like that again." I say. "I promise." He says and stands up. He hangs out his arm for me to take so i can get up. I smirk.

hatred ➳ rucas [ON HOLD]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ