Chapter 1

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The cool breeze blowing in my face forces me to stay awake.

"How much longer?" I moan into my older brother's ear.

"Half an hour more," he shouts back to me.

"We've been on this God forsaken motorcycle for two days now. I want to sleep!" I shout to him.

"Yeesh someone is PMSing," he says, backing off.

"When is our next stop? I'm hungry."

"Your always hungry," he replies back in a matter of fact tone.

"You have a problem with that?" I ask with some sass.

"Yep, definitely PMSing."

"Shut up Nate, now pull over and get me food."

"Can't you wait? Were almost there."

"Half an hour isn't almost there," I put the almost there in quotation but Nate doesn't have eyes in the back of his head to see what I did.

Nate's shoulders start to fall, knowing that he lost this battle. I give myself a mental high five as we pull off the highway and into a McDonald's. Nate parks the bike and trailer into some empty parking spots. I pull off my helmet, shake out my hair, and adjust my glasses. When I look up I see Nate staring at me. He's already off the bike and a few feet away from the entrance.

"Are you ready now princess?" He asks.

I scowl at him and get up, placing the helmet into the side bags on the motorcycle. I catch up with Nate and we enter.

"Now remember..."

"Only order from the dollar menu," we say together. 

We head over to the line and put our orders in. I order a dollar cheese burger and dollar fries, with a 90 cent coffee. Nate orders the same, we pay and take our food to an empty booth. I dig into my meal like I've never eaten before. I look up ,with half my burger in my mouth, to find Nate staring at me again. He gives me a disgusted look. I quickly realize what I'm doing and take one last bite of the burger and place it down on it's wrapper. I grab a napkin and wipe my face. Nate gives me a satisfied nod and begins to unwrap his food ever so carefully. He picks up his burger and eats a small bite.

That's the difference between me and my brother. He's nearly a neat freak, not quite there just yet, and I'm a total slob. He always uses manners and says hello to random strangers. Me on the other hand, I forget to use my manners unless we're at a fancy restaurant, like we would ever go to one. We can't afford it. And I'm a social outcast. I prefer to hide in the shadows and not talk to people.

I continue eating, more aware of how I'm eating, and I start to daydream about our new home.

Hey guys, so I'm really liking the idea of this story and I have great ideas for it in the future. I'm not so sure I'm really liking the title, if any ideas, comment. So please bear with the spelling mistakes and please vote and comment!

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