Chap. 24: Rematch

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Namjoon: Yo I'm totally rooting for you. You got this.


Jin: Aren't you scared?


Hoseok: He's a champ.

Jungkook: Got that right. Jimin has a lot of potential. And he's strong. He's got this.

Jina: I'll be there for you babe, I got you.

I smiled as she caressed my cheek.

Taehyung: ㄱ.ㄱ

Jungkook: We should start heading to the venue. I'll go get the stuff.

Hoseok: I'll help you.

Namjoon: Yo this shit is gonna be tight! Front row vip seats, hot girls. Blood! Aahhh!

Jin: aaigoo..

Yoongi: I don't think it'd be that excessive....

Jina: Expect a lot. Fights with The Slayer are always big. But since Jimin is kinda famous now, he'll be expecting fans of his own.

I smiled.

Taehyung: Hobie just texted me. Lets go! *grabs Jina's wrist and runs*

That guy I swear...

I grabbed my duffle bag and left the gym with the guys. Luckily I sat with my girl in the van.

She kept a positive vibe.

Jina made sure I had my gear ready when we got to the venue. The arena is bigger than the last one.

I thought all of them would go ahead and get to their seats. But instead they joined me and insisted on coming out with me.

They're so cool. Besides Taehyung.

I held Jina's hand as we were walking to our assigned changing room.

Suddenly we ran into The Slayer, and Serena.

Cameras were surrounding us again.

Hoseok: *gulps*

Namjoon: ( > . > ) ?

Jin: *-*

Taehyung: *straight face*

Yoongi: Hoooo my gah.. the the .. t-the Slayer! *nearly faints*

Ray: Look what we have here.

Serena: a bunch of losers..

Jina: You would know. *smirks*

Jungkook: What a bunch of psychos.

Ray: Don't think just because I have one eye means you have an advantage.

"In fact I do have an advantage. I'll just strike right at your eye." I chuckled

Jungkook: Better protect that side of your face.

Serena: He will.

Jina: Let's go. We can't waste time on monsters like these

Serena: Monsters? *scoffs* you shouldn't be talking, Freak.

Jina: Say that again and I'll pop your eye out too.

Serena: Ohh~ I'm so scared. Shut your shit before I throw you off a bridge again.

Jina: I'd like to see you try, bitch.

Serena: I will.

Jina: Do it then!

My Personal Trainer《BTS JIMIN FANFIC》Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon