(20) A Feeling Easy to Resume

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"Shall we continue this at your house or mine?" Alex said as he broke the magical kiss that they were submerged in. He waited patiently for Arabella's answer, putting one piece of her hair beside her ear. She looked at her with this small spark of satisfaction and a gentle smile.

Arabella hesitated a moment before answering him. She looked deep into his eyes, trying to figure out what to do; as if his eyes had the answer that she was craving to know.

"Your house, if you don't mind" she said looking at him with insecurity in her eyes.

Alex caressed her black hair gently, contemplating the way in which Arabella's hair scurried between his fingers, just like the water that flows among the current, avoiding the cold rocks. He looked at hair and placed a tender kiss on her forehead.

"Of course I don't" he finally said, "Should we go now, while nobody's watching?"

"I have to perform tonight, that's the whole purpose of this party" said Arabella.

"Oh, you're right..." said Alex disappointed.

He then looked at Arabella, and quickly leaned over, kissing her with even more passion than before. Arabella's blood started to rush quickly through her body, carrying along a burning desire that seemed to burn viciously as Alex pushed her closer to him. They separated from each other slowly, but their faces were still touching, and both of their breaths became more accelerated and exhausted, as if they were trying to recover as much oxygen as they possibly could.

"Sorry to interrupt..." said a voice from the dark, "... but I'll have to steal her for a couple of minutes"

Alex was in a complete state of shock when he saw that the mysterious voice was Andrew's; Arabella on the other way looked at him completely serious as he approached to them. Alex instantly separated a little bit from Arabella, as he passed his hand through his hair, trying to avoid Andrew's gaze.

"It's our turn to hit the stage" he said sarcastically and enjoying the discomfort that he created in Alex.

"Oh, right... I almost forgot that..." said Arabella without taking her eyes from Andrew's.

Without saying anything else, she walked towards the door that led to the stairs and disappeared completely from the rooftop. Alex watched her go silently and scanned her whole body from the top of her head to her skinny toes. Andrew was watching him with a mischievous smile on his face.

"I guess I'll have to go also, before they start asking where –"

"Yeah, they had been wondering that..." interrupted Andrew.

Alex just nodded silently, avoiding any sort of eye contact with Andrew. He gave him an awkward smile and started to walk towards the door. But he was soon interrupted by Andrew's voice once again; only that this time he sounded more hostile towards him.

"I'm gonna give you one simple advice, and I know that you'll probably thank me later" said Andrew as he approached to Alex, looking at him straight into his eyes.

"Don't get involve with her, you know, emotionally involved" he continued.

"Why not?" said Alex frowning.

"I know her more than you'll ever will, so I think that you can trust me in this one" he said as he touched Alex's shoulder while heading towards the door.

Those words stayed in Alex's head longer than he thought. And he felt this inexplicable feeling of slight annoyance when he admitted to himself that Andrew was actually right. He didn't knew anything about Arabella, when they were together they barely spoke to each other, they just felt this burning attraction that united them profoundly. But still, he doesn't know anything about her. He thought of how someone could feel so attracted to a person who doesn't know anything about. He didn't knew anything about her story, neither her present. Alex looked at the breathless view that the sleeping city gave to him, and he came to the conclusion that some questions don't really deserve an answer.

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