"Yeah" as I followed him to his car.

As I got into his car my phone buzzed. I tried ignoring it but this person wasn't giving up. I took it out my bag and saw it was James.


"Hey, I need a favor". As always!.


"I'm in a little trouble and I need you to get me out of jail".

"WHAT?!". What did get himself into now?!.

"Yeah, it's a long story!. Just come get me" as he quickly ended the call.

"So your brother is in jail and he needs me to get him out" as I sighed.

"He's an idiot!. I'll go with you to get him out".

We arrived at the court house, and I don't understand how someone can get themselves in such trouble to even want to be behind bars.

"Hi, I'm here to bail out James.."

"Oh mister billionaire, yeah follow me" as he cut me off.

As we were escorted to his cell, James instantly looked at me and then looked at his brother.

"Why the fuck are you with my brother and in his clothing?".

"That is a long story!. Let's just say your brother practically saved my life" as I smiled at Ryan.

"Yes, she was a little drunk at this club that I frequented and I made sure she was alright".

"Are you sleeping with Cassie?!"as he hissed at Ryan.

"No, come on bro really".

"Listen, just get me out and we'll discuss this some more out of this hell hole".

| 15 minutes later |

As we sat in the parking lot it was silence in the car. I mean it was an awkward situation but it was all innocent.

"So how long have you guys been seeing each other?".

"I'm not seeing Ryan!" As I rolled my eyes.

"Cassie when he drops me off you are to come with me" as he sternly said.

"Actually I'm really tired and my head hurts still so I'm going home".

"No, you're coming with me!".

Ryan looked at us both and shook his head in disbelief. Maybe now I'm starting to somewhat understand what he was saying about seeing James true colors on how e treats people.

Once Ryan dropped us off, he smiled at me as I thanked him for everything. James grabbed my arm as Ryan pulled off.

"So you think it's okay for you to flirt with my brother".

"I wasn't flirting at all!. He helped me out last night and that's it".

"I mean you're a pretty girl right, why wouldn't he want you?".

"James, you're crazy nothing is going on between Ryan and I". I think the lack of sleep and being in that cell was making him crazy. "Plus don't you have a wife?".

"I told you she's not your concern" as he grabbed me and kissed me roughly. I pushed him away from me looking at him like he was insane. "Come on Cassie it's want you wanted. It's what you signed up for right?".

"Leave me alone!. I'm going home" as I tried walking out the door. He quickly ran in front of me slamming the door shut and locking it.

"You're not going anywhere!. I'll teach you who you belong too and it's not Ryan". As he grabbed me kissing me. I tried again to push him off of me but he was way stronger than I was.

"You are mine and no one else's" as he threw me on the couch and climbed on top of me. I started to panic now, tears where streaming down my face as I tried to stop him.

"James please don't!. I belong to you I know that. I don't want Ryan I want you!. Please" as I said in between sobs.

"Shut up!. This whole time you were playing me for my brother!. I should've known from the Christmas party" as he ripped open my shirt.

"James please stop it!. I'm sorry for whatever I did". At that moment he stopped and looked like a deer in headlights. As I continued to sob hysterically he slowly got off of me. I covered myself quickly and just didn't move, I didn't want him to do anything.

"Cassie in sorry" as he tried to comfort me.

"NO!!. Just leave me alone!. You're crazy!!. Don't touch me ever again" as I stumbled to the door. "I quit" as I opened the door and slammed it shut. At that moment I fell to the floor and cried my eyes out. How could he do that to someone. It's like he was another person!.

I got my phone out and called someone who would understand what I was going through.

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