she stood up and i smiled and walked into her arms just to be able to feel the brunette's warmth.

"they're good. they missed their mommy." i said into her chest.

i heard her heart thud loudly.

i closed my eyes and let my wife's heartbeat pull me in.

i turned my chin and kissed her neck, pulling away from out 5 minute embrace.

"are you still hungry? i can make raviolis?" emily offered.

"mmm. i'd like that. with sauce?" i asked, hope enlaced in my voice.

she kissed my lips and whispered, "with sauce."

i shivered as her lips vibrated against mine from her talking.

she pulled away from me, her fingers trailing my jaw line, sending tingles throughout my body.

i sat down on the couch and put on friends.

i smiled and laughed as monica put the turkey on her head to make chandler smile.

my stomach grumbled.

i groaned, "shut up. that's like the 50th time today. don't you kids ever sleep?"


"oh that's right.  i'm talking to a fetus." i said and groaned.

"emily hurry up! they're hungry!" i whined.

she laughed, "i'm coming! geez."

i scoffed and heard her footsteps.

"you need to calm down." she said and kissed my ear.

i glared at her, "emily. sweetie. i'm hungry. and when i am hungry and don't have food in my face, mama ain't happy. and when mama ain't happy. ain't nobody happy." i warned angrily.

she shot up, "right. food is coming in 10 seconds." she said and swiftly made her way to the stove.

after a few minutes she shuffled over and placed a bowl of ravioli with sauce infront of me.

"took you long enough." i spit at her.

she scoffed and chewed.

" are the hormones?" she asked.

i shrugged, "i haven't really had any."

she snickered and i glared at her, "what."

she shrugged and put her hands up in defense, "nothing. nothing at all..."

i rolled my eyes, "whatever."


"anything else?" the dark haired girl that owns my heart questioned as i finished my 4th bowl of ravioli.

"no i'm good for now." i said simply.

she nodded and took the bowls to the sink and washed them.

when she came back for the glasses i grabbed her arm.

she looked startled by my action and nervous when i kissed her cheek.

"thank you. for being here. putting up with me."

she relaxed in my grip and smiled, "anything for you. now i'll finish cleaning and we can go in bed and watch a movie okay?"

i nodded and smiled.

"oh let me help you." i said as i rose from my previous spot on the couch, my ass already cold from the loss of contact.

"ali you don't have to-"

"i want to." i said and winked.

she smiled and i grabbed a pot, starting to scrup it with soap and a sponge, being sure to thoroughly clean it.

we made sure everything was spotless before we made our way up the stairs together and into our bed.

"what movie?" i asked.

"oh! insidious!"

i groaned, "emily nooo. you know i hate horror films."

she smirked, "i know. we always watch your stuff...please? for me?" she asked and flashed a grin with those perfectly straight, and pearly white teeth of hers.

i squeezed her cheeks, "that smile should be illegal."

she smiled and kissed my palm.

"fine. we can watch your dumb movie." i said and ordered it.

"yes!"she said victoriously.

i curled up into her arms, already scared.


"i want it...i want it NOW!" the demon screamed into the baby monitor.

i screamed out loud and hid my face in the nape of emily's warm neck.

she laughed and rubbed my back.

"it's okay." she said and laughed.

i slapped her chest and she grunted.

"shut up." i said and whimpered.

it only made her smile wider.

"you're so cute when you're scared." 

i giggled and kissed her lips.

she smiled but i could tell she was watching the tv.

"you keep your eyes open?" i asked, my mouth gaping.

she shrugged, "no but. i know you are trying to get out of watching this movie and pregnant with our kids or not. you're watching it." she said and yanked me into her arms.

i groaned, "damn you for knowing me and my strategies so well."

she shrugged, "years of practice."

i scoffed and chuckled.

the rest of the night consisted of me probably needing an underwear change, screaming, hiding in emily's neck, and emily laughing.

god i love these nights though.


same ali. same.

actually i love scary movie :P my favvvvveeee

review and comment!

want boy&girl?



and names!

(i think i know the genders)

~stay fearless~

caleigh <13

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