Prologue: The Fates

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The three girls stood in a close huddle, small and fragile appearing in the smothering darkness of the night but they did not shake against the cold, nor did they so much as shiver against the prospects of what hid in the darkness that surrounded them like an endless ocean.

All three of them stand dismissive of the cool winter's breath, bearing dresses made of identical fabric swishing around their ankles but maintain their identity through their shape. 

Thick and thin straggles of lush brown locks gently lift and fall with the wind but their attention remains on the distant view.

Although they were in their youth, they looked as if men would start wars for them.

Hushed whispers penetrated the otherwise still air, they were out of place. Among mortals, they were vulnerable. Yet, they banded together like warriors in anticipation as their gazes head still on the softly glowing house beyond them, a distance that mortals would strain their eyes in pain to peer at in vain.

"She is the one." One of the girls whisper, a hushed voice as soft as velvet. It could make any man do her bidding, her face turns clockwise as she stands between the two girls on either side of her. 

There is a tone to her glorious voice, so melodic that even birds would sing their praise through the darkness, "We must act now!" Lachesis continues, an urgency in her hushed tone.

The one to her left lifts her chin, such youthful eyes hold too much wisdom for that of a girl appearing to be no older than thirteen. 

Draped in a fabric wrapped around her slender figure, tying in thick cords around her neck. The material looked so light that it looked like the breeze would wipe it off of her. Something otherworldly that mortals hadn't quite figured out yet.

"But how do you know this?" She demands like a true ruler, her doe eyes are sharp but there is a slight breath of fear that trembles from her lips, "How can you know she shan't turn on us? Turn on them?"

The girl who stood to the furthest right toys with a piece of glowing vibrant string. It dominates the darkness that surrounds them with it's shimmer that seems to move within the fabric, almost as if it were alive and thriving for life, eating away at the darkness. Clotho treats the string in her hands like it is the most precious of materials...perhaps it is.

"She bares the mark." She mummers whilst tucking the thread under the sleeve of her enchanting fabric made dress.

"The prophecy will go as told by vision," The middle girl hisses to her sisters, the sheer fabric of her dress coils around her shoulders lowly and she, "Atropos, do not deny the will. It is her birth right."

Atropos looks to the smallest girl with her eyes sharp as blades and she looks ahead, "The amount of times I have cut that girls Essence is unfathomable," She mumbles almost begrudgingly, when the cutter cuts the cord of essence, it is wished that it doesn't be reborn, "She is a nuisance to us all."

Lachesis stands her ground between her two sisters, it was assumed that the one to her left would be most reluctant, Atropos never did favor the girl in any of her lifetimes but this time it would be different. It had to be. They had seen what was to come and now they would fulfill their place and determine the girl's fate, whether they liked it or not.

"Atropos, our sister is right." Clotho had always enjoyed spinning the girls thread, there was something satisfying about seeing someone dance differently to the same song. Even if the finale always seemed to conclude the same as the last, "I have seen her journey, if we do not act now, we may be doomed."

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