Chapter 23

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After Wesley left I decided to call Emily, about what just happened and I hope she answers, I picked up the phone and dialed her number, and she answered in two seconds.

"Hey Aaliyah what's up?"

Hey, I have some news to tell you."

"What? Is everything okay?"

"No, the wedding might be in jeopardy because my mom just called me."

"What? What did she say to you?"

"She was just hinting at Wesley and stuff, knowing her she's going to stop the wedding some way some how."

"Does Wesley know this?"

"Yeah I told him, she called me while I was having dinner with Drew, Keaton and him. Do you think my mom saw an article about us?"

"Wow, I'm sorry this is so scary. I hope nobody told her that knows about you and Wes."


I walk back to Drews hotel room and he gives me a concerned look. "Is she okay? Who was on the phone?"

"Her mom called her, and I don't know if she's okay."

"Aww that's too bad. I'm sorry."

"It's okay she's talking to her friend Emily right now. I think she'll be okay."

Aaliyah walks back in and we play some video games and watch a couple movies before going back to our hotel room, and wake up for our interview in the morning.  

"Morning you gonna get ready?"

"Yeah of course!" She smiled at me, while getting out of bed.

Drew and Keaton came in to let us know that they were ready to go and we all went down to the bus together.

"So I heard about your mom. I'm sorry."

"It's okay Drew everything will work itself out."

"I just feel so bad for you that all of this is happening."

"It's okay you don't have to feel bad for me. It's what happens  somtimes."

I'm so glad to see them talking and getting along for once. I just tope Aaliyah doesn't get mad at me for telling Drew everything.

We did our interview, and we all split ways for a while. Aaliyah wanted to go to the park and walk around while the other two went to the beach to just hang out.

"Drew was actually really nice to me today. For once."

"Yeah he feels really bad about your parents, and everything that happened. He's really trying hard to be your friend."

"I know, I'm kind of over what he did months ago. Him and I can be friends again, but it's going to take time for him to regain my trust again."

"So you're not mad that he knows about whats going on with you and your parents?"

"No, he's your friend and my friend and going to be in our wedding. I've known him for years, and I know he's not going to tell anyone."

We went to dinner together, and stayed up past 12 just talking and laughing.


I lost this chapter soo sorry if it's really short! /: But stay tuned for the next chapter <3!

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