Chapter 13

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Aaliyah POV:

Wesley left me home again. I'm just so happy that he's got a friend that actually wants to get to know me, instead of making rude comments and jokes about me. I know I can't really do anything about Wesleys relationship with Drew because they work together and are friends. Life long friends, and I'm just the girlfriend hopefuly wife one day. When and if Wesley decided to marry me, I hope the media doesn't get involved in everything. It may happen, but with him being so popular I know it's going to happen.

She had work that afternoon, and before work she cleaned up the kitchen and Wesleys mess from the morning, and had some time to check up on the social media business.

her mentions on twitter, were crazy like everyday and she replied back to every single one of them, before getting ready for work.


I've been hanging with my friend and Drew all afternoon at the beach. He's been ignoring the two of us all day, because he's been flirting with this girl he just met.

"Do you think Drew is going to be flirting with that girl all day?"

"Probably, he hasn't left her sight since she got here." I laughed.

"It's a good thing for him, he hasn't had a girlfriend in a while."

"I know maybe it's because of the way he can come across. If this girl and him actually date that'd be nice."

Jack and Wesley chatted about Drew and the girl, and had some lunch, and walked around the beach before Drew and the girl met up with Wesley and their friend.

"Hey Drew, are you ready to go downtown? We've been here all day."

"No actually I was going to hang out with Sierra ,you two can go downtown."

"Okay, Nice meeting you Sierra, and have fun and don't do anything stupid." I said before they walked away.

"Did he really just ditch us for Sierra?"

"Yeah he did. I get it that he wants to meet new people, and I'm happy for him but him completely ignoring us is just weird and so unlike him."

"Thats true, well you and I can go back to the house, and hang out with Aaliyah."

"No, she's actually got work tonight, and I want to go downtown and price some engagment rings."

"What? You're actually going to engage to her?" He said excited.

"Well I want to look at them and see what ones she might like, and ask her about what she thinks of us getting engaged, you know I want to do all of this before I have to leave on tour."

"Oh I see, do you think she'll want to marry you and everything?"

"I don't know, I really don't. Sometimes I think she does but then I think of the future some more and the tours and going to different countries and her being at home, do you think she really wants to go through all of that and barely see me except on TV apperances and talk so litle?"

"That's something you'll both have to sit down and really talk about when the time comes. What does your mind think of when you want to marry her?"

"All the good times we have, and I don't see being with her than anyone else. I really do think she's the one for me."

We drove to a jewlery shop and looked at their engagment rings and priced them out, and I found one that I think she might like. It's all silver and has a nice diamond on it.

I'm not looking for the most expensive ring or the ring with the biggest diamond. Something simple, but nice. I went to a few more stores and found one she really might like.

They drove home, and stopped at a fast food resturant, for something to eat and stopped at his homes house to talk about Aaliyah and visit with his brother Keaton.

"So how have you been Wes? I haven't heard anything from you in a really long time!"

"I've been spending time with Aaliyah, started talking about our next album, and doing a lot of surfing with the guys."

"That's really exciting so happy for you guys. How is that girlfriend of yours?"

"We've been spending so much time together, and don't get too excited when I say this mom, but what do you think if her and I got engaged?"

Her face lit up, and she started smiling and hugged me. Keaton was watching TV and eating his dinner and that even got him to look at me with excitment.

"I would love that! She's perfect for you Wes! Have you talked to her about it?"

"No, not yet. I actually want to talk to her tonight after she gets home from work. I wanted to ask you what you thought before I went and did it."

"I don't see any harm in that, it's your life you're 21 you can make your own choices..."


Finally I get to go home and sleep, I've been on my feet for it seems like years. I'm so tired of this job, but its what keeps me out of the house and brings in money. I almost got asked to close tonight, and I just couldn't do it. It seems like that's all i've been doing these past few weeks. But all I'm looking forward to is seeing Wesley and having him cuddle with me and let me rant about my job. I love that about him, how he's always there to listen to me when I'm down.

She called him and he answered quickly.

Aaliyah; hey Wesley I'm on my way home.

Wesley; hey I am too you don't have to pick up dinner or anything cause I bought Taco bell for you since you were working late.

Aaliyah; aww thanks i'll talk to you when I get home.

Wesley; Yeah i'm almost home anyways love you.

I just love talking to him, and he does the sweetest things for me. I really didn't feel like cooking or doing anything that has to do with preparing a meal tonight. Just him doing that made my day so much better and he didn't even know how bad my day was.


Stay tuned for the next chapter <3!

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