Chapter 5

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Later that night after the show ended, and Wesley and the guys were back in their hotel Wesley was on Twitter replying to fans. He then tweeted: It was a perfect night on stage singing for all of you. Can't wait to do it again! after that he got many more replies but decided it was time, to call his girlfriend Aaliyah.


Aaliyah was on her twitter account trying to go to sleep, so she could go to work in the morning. As she was going to make a tweet, her screen flashed with a call from Wesley. She couldn't help but answer on the first ring.

Aaliyah: Hello?

Wesley: Hey so did you watch the show?

Aaliyah: Yeah I did. You were great as always.

Wesley: What did you think of our last song?

Aaliyah: I loved it, and I love how you dedicated it to me.

Wesley: Thank you, I know it's nothing original or anything, but with our problems lately I just thought things would get better.

Aaliah: Wesley, that doesn't matter. You really made me feel better about our whole situation, but I do have one question for you, why haven't you talked about me in public?

Wesley: I just want to protect you from our fans. I know how crazy they can get, and I don't want anything to happen to our relationship. I love you.

Aaliyah: Okay but the thing is, we've been dating for two years now. I think it's okay to talk about me. Unless, you have another girl around.

Wesley: Is that what you think? I have another girl around? Why would I ever do that to you?

Aaliyah: I don't know, I feel like you are embaressed to talk about me is all. Calm down, I'm trying to have a conversation with you. I'm not trying to start a fight here.

Wesley: If I was embaressed to talk about you I wouldn't have dedicated a song in front of millions of people Aaliyah.

Aaliyah: Okay I'm sorry, I'm sorry I ever brought it up.

Wesley: No, don't be I'm just frustrated and upset that I can't be with you right now.

Aaliyah: Oh, your tour is more important than me. I don't want to take away your career away from you.

Wesley: Thanks, but I'm still missing you.

Aaliyah: I'm glad we had this talk, and cleared the air, I have to get up early for work tomorrow. Love you.

Wesley: Okay sleep good and I love you.

Aaliayah hung up the phone and put it on the charger, since it was almost dead. All she could think about was why she ever brought up what she was thinking in that conversation. It was supposed to be a happy time, not a fight since thats what it almost came to. If I ever lost Wesley because of me being insecure then I would feel really worthless.


After hanging up the phone with Aaliyah i'm not happy, not happy about how the conversation went, not happy how I reacted to Aaliyahs question, and mainly I feel like a jerk. I can't sleep, all these stupid thoughts about that phone call and if I just gave up Aaliyah because of our fighting I would feel pretty bad.

The next morning, they had to go to another city so that meant a long car ride with Drew and Keaton. Drew was already awake and packed and ready to go. Same with Keaton.

Drew had to wake me up, by shaking and yelling in my face.

"Okay I'm awake now I'm awake now!"

"What's wrong with you?"

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