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Wow what the heck happened last night? Last I knew I was taking pictures with fans and walked into a club then that's it. I'm not entirely sure if I did anything with another girl cause Aaliyah won't talk to me.

"Aaliyah what's wrong why aren't you talking to me?"

"Uhmm I don't know maybe because of how wasted you got last night? I've NEVER seen you get that wasted in the whole time you and I were dating."

"I'm sorry Aaliyah I didn't mean.."

"Save it Wesley" She interrupted me and gave me a blank stare. "It's over with alright?"

It's over with? What is she talking about? I'm really starting to freak out.. is she leaving?

"What do you mean it's over with? Us?"

"No I could NEVER leave you. You and I are engaged remember?"

She said looking down at her engagment ring and grinned. "I'm sorry Wesley I was just scared that you changed on me."

"I would never change. I'm sorry I went crazy."

Drew barged in and interrupted our coversation telling us it was time to head down to the radio station for an interview. We all got into the tourbus that would take us down there and I decided to let the Emblems know what was up.

Crazy night last night but on our way to a radio interview with Aaliyah!

They got to the radio station and chatted with everyone for a while before it was time to go on the air.

INTERVIEWER: Good morning Emblem3!

Drew: Morning

Wesley: Morning.

Interviewer: Who is this pretty girl?

Wesley: That would be my girfriend of 2 years Aaliyah.

Aaliyah: Morning everyone!

Interviewer: Congratualations! Aaliyah what is it like dating a guy like Wesley?

Aaliyah: It's hard, but at the same time it's just like dating any other guy. He's just more famous.

Interviewer: Do the fans bother you at all? Do you get any hate on social media?

Aaliyah: Of course I get hate, but I don't let that bother me because of my wonderful relationshhip with Wesley. I love the fans they are awesome.

Interviewer: Wesley is she going to any of the shows on tour?

Wesley: Maybe she is. You'll have to find out when you go.

The rest of the interview lasted 20 minutes talking about their career and random things.

Wow Aaliiyah is getting hate from people for dating me? That's not okay with me at all. I am so happy for her that she's stayed strong this long with all of that, because our fans can be pretty nasty and this is one of the reasons I was worried about telling the world about her. I'm so proud of her for coming out of her.

"Babe I'm so proud of you for that."

"Thanks I was nervous I've never done it before."

"Did you wanna go and get some lunch?"

"Of course! I want to go and get a little sandwhich. Sound good?"

"Yeah that sounds really good."

Drew and Keaton left to go do some sight seeing. They don't wanna be around us all day while we do couple things.


Wow I woke up this morning in a terrible mood about Wesley and his drinking at the club last night. It was so unlike him, to just go all out. It must have been Drews doing to tell him to do this to get me far away from him cause Drew obv hates me. Whatever. While talking to Wesley I couldn't just walk out on him and go back home. I'd miss him too much and all of what he did for me before we left was too precious. I love him so much, and I'm so glad that I'm actually apart of this tour world of his. I actually got to speak to his fans on the radio! I'm so happy. I'm so happy to be with Wesley alone on these little dates of ours on his tour. It's perfect.

"You know for once Drew didn't say anything during that interview" I laughed a little.

I looked at Wesley and smiled a little.

"You're so totally right. That is so weird."

"It must have been because I was there and it pissed him off so much."

"Don't worry about Drew babe, he's actually seeing someone."

"Good for them! He'll finally realize how to treat a girl."

"He's not a bad guy at all. You just have to look past all of the things he does sometimes."

I don't know why I'm still angry about what he did, what I am angry about is he's never really gotten to know me the more I think about it.

"It's not just that. It's the fact that he hasn't really tried to get to know me. I've done nothing to him."

"I know, the next time I see him I'll talk to him about it. You wanna go walk around for a bit?"

"Of course I do!" I said smiling, we left where we were sitting and started walking hand in hand.

We went shopping or looking in these little shops in town. I could have spent hours in each store, but Wes said he was tired and dragged me back to the hotel. Oh well I got to spend alone time with him again, and thats all that I care about.


Stay tuned for the next chapter <3!

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