Chapter 15

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- 2 months later -

Aaliyah stopped working at the store she was working at and went into college to start a career to be a pediatrician, she hardly saw Wesley because he's always been in the studio getting ready to go on another tour, but they did see eachother and when they did they went out to the beach to talk and do stupid things.


It's been a crazy few months, from starting to go back to school and start a career that i'll like doing instead of dealing with crazy hours and young teenage drama. I'm missing my friend Emily dearly because she understands me, and she's been so busy with her work there. When I spend time with Wesley out in public, now people recognize me and then they know I'm Wesleys girlfriend, and of course they want his autograph and a picture with him. I don't really mind the fans they're a really cool group, and super sweet just like they are on twitter and all. Now that he's getting ready to leave again, on his next tour I'm not looking forward to it. From what he says it's going to be a little longer than before.

Aaliyah was sitting at the kitchen table doing her homework, papers and books all over the table, at 10:30 at night. Wesley still wasn't home from the studio.

Wow I wonder what he's doing, he's normally not home this late at all.. should I text him? Naw he might not reply and I don't want him to be annoyed with me while he's at work. I'll just go upstairs and watch TV until he comes home.

An hour or so later, Wesley comes home and Aaliyah is still awake watching TV. She's catching up on Secret Life of the American Teenager before the new season comes on.

Wesley walked over to me, and gave me a kiss.

"I'm so sorry I'm home this late, I mean't to get out of there by 8 but things happened where I had to stay."

"It's okay I know your tour is coming up, and it's a big deal, and you want to be prepared."

"Well it's that, but I'm already prepared I cannot wait to go back and perform for all my fans."

"Yeah, I'm tired been studying and doing homework for 4 hours."

"Okay night babe."

He leaned over to cuddle with me, and being in his arms, and being this closes me fall asleep easily.

1 week later..

I've been doing my homework, focusing on my school still and for the past week I haven't seen Wesley at all. He keeps telling me it's for work and his tour but why in the world would he have to stay so late at night? He doesn't have to do much else? It's been the same thing every week same converstations about his tour that I'm kind of just over it. I know that I'm not going to be able to go and that's whats making me even more upset. Normally he'll be wanting to spend time with me before he leaves but now, it doesn't seem that he cares at all.


It's 11 at night I'm so tired, that I can sleep for a year at this point after talking about tours and cities and flights. It's boring, I'd rather be at home with my girlfriend talking than doing that, this past week has been really awkward between us because of this schedule, and when we do talk it's for 5 minutes and she wants to go to bed. I've also bought the engagment ring earlier this week, and making plans with my friends to come down and party with us before I leave on tour again.It's been so hard to not tell her why I've been coming home late. and by the end of this week it's all going to be over with. Thank god.

I get home an walk into our room, and get ready for bed and see that Aaliyah is still up. Hopefully she'll want to talk, tonight.

"Soo, since I'm going on tour for a while don't you think it would be fun to have a little party at the beach?"

"Yes, that would be so fun! Party to celebrate your success of finishing this album of yours."

"Yeah and we can bring all our friends too, even Emily which I still need to meet her."

"She's been so busy, with work and everything that she forgot about meeting you. I'm sorry I'm sure she'd love to come. She loves you guys."

"Okay what about this weekend?"

"Of course, you're leaving on monday morning so that makes sense."

"Yeah, It'll be fun!"

What she doesn't know is the real reason were all getting together, and on top of that she's coming with us so she'll on tour with me, and not have to miss me. It'll be perfect. It's been an awkward few weeks but by this weekend it'll all be worth it.

"Yeah, I'm going to bed I'll see you in the morning."

I looked at her and gave her a long goodnight kiss before turning off the light and cuddling up next to her.


Stay tuned for the next chapter <3!

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