chapter six

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Jada Blue

Chapter Six



               “Oh my goodness,” I smiled, “we’re almost home we’re almost home!”

               “Technically,” Aspasia corrected me, “we live in L.A.,”

               “Well technically, L.A. sucks.”

               “Agree,” she nodded her head, “and I know exactly what will pass our time while we are waiting to get home.”

               “America’s Next Top Model marathon?”

               “Oh double agree. It’s like you read my mind,” she switched on the television until she found the inevitable marathon. New Tawny walked into the room.

               “Hey Tawny wanna watch this with us?”   

               She shrugged her shoulders and sat on the couch, “That girls to short, that one looks old, she has cankles, and ewe that one is disgusting.”

               We both looked at her in shock. What? Who was this girl, and where had Tawny gone? She grabbed the remote and turned off the TV.

               “Let’s stop watching boring stuff, because I have to talk to you about something,” she nodded her head and leaned back, “Samantha is so trashy.”

               We waited for her to continue, for ten seconds until I said, “And? Continue…”

               “That’s all? Can’t I just have on trash and bash session with you guys? Or do I have to call Tory?”

               “You hate Tory,” Aspasia scrunched her eyes, “what’s wrong with you?”

               “I just want to talk about someone.”

               “Uh okay power to you,” I sneered, “but that’s not how we roll.”

               “Whatever,” she rolled her eyes, got up and went into her bunk.

               “Uh,” Aspasia blinked her eyes, “really? What is up with her?”

               “Who knows,” I lowered my voice, “all I do know is she’s been budding it up with Sam…and I’m scared that Tawny is becoming…”

               “One of those girls,” Aspasia nodded her head.

               “Maybe it’s just a phase,” I shrugged, not at that point thinking much of it.

               “Wanna get back to ANTM?”

               “Oh you know it,” I smiled.

               When we got into Colorado, it was dark. And the bus was in some random place. But not so random. I knew exactly where we were.

               “Oh my goodness,” Castello smiled.

               “This is it. The old spot,” I grinned. This is where we used to go every Friday, regardless of if we had money or not. Regardless if we could dance or not. This was the place.

               It seemed like we hadn’t been there in a matter of years. Maybe longer?

               “When was the last time we were here,” I asked.

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