chapter four

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Aspasia Everwood

Chapter Four

               A week or two passed, and Sam hadn’t said anything.

           I practically crawled back on the bus. I was exhausted, twelve hours of sleep wasn’t enough. I crawled into my bed and slept, until my phone rang. It was nearly midnight, when it did. Had I really slept all of today away?           


               “Hey perfect, did you get my gift?”

               “Gift,”  I giggled, “what for?”

               “You’re birthday, of course.”

               “Birthday? Babe it’s not even for a week.”

               “Oh, I thought it was the twenty-third. Sorry,” he laughed nervously.

               “It is the twenty-third.”

               “Aspasia do you know what today is?”

               “Not really,” I rolled my eyes,  “I never do. You know that.”

               “Let me be the first to say happy birthday, gorgeous.”

               I pulled my phone away from my ear and clicked on my calendar. It had been June twenty-third for about five minutes.

               “Oh Jake! Thanks so much,” I smiled, “was this the gift?”

               “You didn’t see it?”

               “See what?”

               “Kelly said she put it on the counter.”

               “Oh dear I didn’t even have my eyes open when I walked in,” I admitted and giggled, then got out of my bed and walked into the living room. There on the counter was a bouquet of flowers, “Oh Jake! Thank you so, SO, much! This is to sweet.”

               “Happy fifteenth birthday,” I heard a smile in his voice. Whoa. Was I really fifteen? I was getting too old, too fast, “You’re tired.”

               “Yes,” I said, even though he said it as a statement, and not a question.

               “I’ll call you when I wake up tomorrow,” he promised, “goodnight.”

               “Night,” I clicked the phone and rolled  back into my bed. No way.

               “You should get everyone up now,” Kelly said, as she shook me awake, “you guys have a big day today. Interview with Alexa Chung by telecast, salon, and rehearsals. Also a video shoot after the salon. Oh, and happy birthday!”

               “Thanks Auntie,” I said, flipping in my bed. I looked at my cell phone clock. It was now four in the morning.

               I rolled out of my bed and shook  Cruise awake.

               “Cruise dude we have a lot to do today. Castello! Get up please. Vince, we have a lot to do today. You need to wake up. Tawny, Tawny, Tawny-kins! Get up.”

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