chapter ten

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          Aspasia Everwood

Chapter Ten

               “Let’s practice the fifth song again I can’t get that one note,” I said, putting the mic back on the microphone.

               “Aspasia you got the note perfectly,” Tawny said, “is she always like this?”

               “Always,” Cruise said, “but I agree with her. I’m sketchy on that song.”

               “Okay,” Vince tapped his drum sticks together.

               That was the last song we had to rehearse for the day.

               “We should go over some Overruled songs, so we’re completely ready for that part of the set. Preferably something we didn’t perform in our set last tour,” Castello said.

               “We should wait for Jada to be at rehearsal,” Cruise said, setting his guitar down, “That way we don’t have to repeat anything we did.”

               “I guess you’re right,” Castello set his guitar down and walked into the kitchen, where we always ended up after rehearsals, for some reason, sitting and talking.

               “Guys,”  Jada came in from the front door, her eyes red and face wet, “can I talk to you?”

               “Yeah Jada what happened,” Castello asked, running up to her. She replied by stepping backward a few steps.

               “I meant Tawny and Aspasia,”

               Me and Tawny set down our drinks, got up, and walked towards Jada.

               We followed her into the meeting room, where Mrs. Mint thankfully was not, and she closed the door.

               “Jada, what happened.”

               “You guys know I went to go talk to Nick, right? Well when I got there Sam was sitting on the couch with him, and then I walked in and then they kissed! She kiss him!”

               “Oh my gosh,” I said, thinking through everything Sam had said, and I hadn’t heard her say anything. Except I remembered the onetime Jada had talked to her, and I knew they hadn’t hit it off, “I’m so sorry Jada.”

               Me and Tawny hugged her.

               “What side of the couch was she sitting on? Left or right?”

               Tawny looked at me with a NO look, because the question was rude, agreed? “The right side.” The side facing the door.

               “Let’s go the pool, there’s a new really cute guy at the snack stand that thought you were cute last time I went,” Tawny said. Jada nodded her head, “You coming, Aspasia?”

               “Uh, no, sorry, I have something to attend to,” I know it was kinda rude abandoning Jada at a time like this, but I knew what was happening and where both of the subjects would be.

               First I went to the bakery, where I knew a certain someone would think he could buy a sorry gift there.

               “You’re an idiot,” I said as soon as I saw him sitting on the couch with a hot chocolate in his hand. I made a note that this place made hot coco and I got a discount, but then got back to not thinking about food.         

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