Chapter four part one

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         Jada Blue

Chapter Four


               In the limo, my stomach wouldn’t stop jumping. Our first album, and our first official Disney party? Okay, yeah, it wouldn’t be “off the chain” or whatever, it was Disney. But it would be historical for Radio Peace.

               “Everyone’s allergic to poison ivy,

Everybody gets that itch,

Everybody hates that,

Everyone’s allergic to, poison eye-eye-v!”

               Everyone looked at me as my Side Kick started to ring.

               “Are you going to answer that,” Vince asked, pulling a water out of the mini-fridge. The limo had already been rolling for ten minutes, and my phone had sang the same Jonas song at least twelve times.


               “Why not?”

               “Just because,”

               It stopped ringing, and then three second later it started ringing again.

               “Everyone’s allergic to poison ivy,

Everybody gets that itch,

Everybody hates that,

Everyone’s allergic to, poison eye-eye-v!”

               “Jada, you have to talk to him sooner or later,” Aspasia rolled her eyes and took a big gulp of her Monster.

               “Everyone’s allergic to poison ivy,

Everybody gets that itch”,

               “Jada--,” Vince began, but I answered the phone before he could critic me.

“Everybody hates--”,

“What! Stop calling me!”

               “I’m sorry, I was just wondering when you were going to get here,”

               “Oh! Gosh, Nick I am so sorry, I thought it was Joey calling me again,”

               “It’s fine, don’t worry about it. When are you getting here?”

               “We’ll be there in maybe ten or fifteen minutes,” I flipped my phone around to look at the time, “why are we late?”



               “Seeyouintenorfifteen,” he said quickly, “bye.”

               “Weird,” I said, hanging up my phone and spreading on my blueberry lip-gloss.

               “And it may seem cliché for me to want to say,

           That you’re not alone

            And you can call me un-cool but it’s a simple fact,

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