chapter three

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Jada Blue

Chapter Three

               “Check. Check. Check. One. Two. Three,” I frowned into the mic.

               “Anything but that,” Aspasia giggled. I rolled my eyes, “wake up on the wrong side of the bed, did we?”

               “Shut up.”

               “What’s with you,”



               “Look at this,” I pulled out my iPhone and scrolled to a gossip site, and then read aloud, “Nick Jonas was seen last weekend with a mystery hottie.”

               “That’s obviously  Joe, honey. This dude got it wrong,” she snatched my phone and made an email to the site, “are we all smiles now?”

               “No,” I pouted, “I miss him! I want to see him!”

               “I know how you feel, Jade. I want to see Jake, terribly. And not seeing him is just lame. But at least you get to see him when we get home and at parties.”

               “I guess I do have it okay.”

               “Which reminds me,” she smiled mischievously, “we need to get you super pretty for the surprise guests at your show tonight.”

               “Oh no, Aspasia what did you do!”

               “You’ll see. Don’t know why you are asking, guessing would be pretty accurate right now. It is ever so slightly ocbvious,” she smiled brightly.

c             “Aspasia, you didn’t, did you?”

               “I don’t know,” she smiled again.

               “You’re a real loser face,” I yelled as she walked away, and then through my water bottle at her. I rolled my eyes.

“What’s got you so crabby,” she yelled back.

“You’d feel the same way,” but I took her word for it, and ran back-stage to make sure I looked gorgeous. In case she was right about it being very obvious. And I wasn’t dreaming.

               So I did my hair down, like he liked it best, and took an extra hour on getting my make-up right. And then, it was show time. Show time!

               “Alright, Aspasia, who is the special guest,” I hopped up and down.

               “You know darn well who it is,” she rolled her eyes, “do I have to say it?”

               “What’s got you crabby,” I laughed.

               “Kelly won’t let me see my present ‘till after the show,” she pouted.

               “How ironic,” I giggled, “so are you ready to perform our hearts out.”

               “The question is, are you?

               “Nope,” I shrugged, “but there’s no reason we can’t try.”

               “Nick,” I smiled my brightest smile and hugged him, he kissed me on the nose.

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