Sam looked at him, his face blank. "No shit Sherlock. You do remember that it was my idea to jump right??"

"Alright genius, what did you plan on doing now?"

Sam paused. "Shit... I don't really know. I just acted on my gut to plan a way to not die."

"Yeah? Well guess what? My plan to survive has more than one step. You always have to think ahead. And it's really hard to think ahead when anything can virtually happen at this point. So why don't we start by finding a way back up. Once we are up top I say we loot the closest house we see. This insane shit happened and I haven't even heard one siren or adult at all. Sam, there is no government helping us. I don't know about you but I'm willing to do anything to survive. There are no laws anymore."

"How can there be no government? I know what happened up there was like something out of a horror story but seriously, do you really think that nobody will help us?"Sam said, his voice losing even more hope.

"Well there is one way to figure that out... Let's start climbing and see if there's a government up there helping us."

Sam stayed silent for a moment before responding. He let out a big sigh and said,"Fine whatever, let's do this then. And what do you plan on doing after we loot the house?"

"I'll tell you the next step if this step works."

"Alright then."

Sam and Raymond started climbing the branches slowly up the cliff.

By the time they got over the top, they could only see about ten feet in distance before looking at a wall of fog surrounding them.

Raymond didn't care. He still knew that if he ran straight ahead there would be a house to loot. That's the plan.

They sprinted through the fog and eventually they got to the front door. Thank god it was unlocked.

"I think we should find some food and water, for now and later because I'm starving."

Raymond was pretty hungry too. They didn't eat breakfast even though the school served it. School food was nasty.

Sam started to rifle through the cabinets and drawers. Most of them were empty. It looked like the people who lived here were leaving in a hurry. There's bound to be good things here though, the house was big. We were in a high class area, even though we weren't rich we went to the rich kid school. Probably one of the main reasons why me and Sam get along so well.

"Sam you find a bag and put as much good food into it as you can while I go and look for some supplies."

Sam was already eating a random bag of chips he found in a cabinet. "Supplies for what?" He said with crumbs falling from his lip.

"You'll see."

"Alright "

Raymond walked into the garage and saw small tool shed in the corner of the room and opened it. He took two shovels and a rake and looked around some more. On the wall he noticed a hunting certificate in a frame.

There's a gun somewhere in this house.

Raymond hoped they didn't take it or at least left one. Hunters do love their guns after all.

Mr.V can be as strong as he wants, his skin can't stop a bullet.

Raymond scanned the room for a safe or gun bag but didn't seem to find anything.

Raymond went back into the house and didn't see Sam in the kitchen.


Silence followed.

Raymond raised his voice "Yo Sam!"

"Raymond get over here right now!" Sam screamed.

His voice echoed from upstairs. Raymond ran up the steps and found Sam in the first bedroom on the right side. There were two other rooms that weren't checked. One was on the left side of the wall and the other was next to the door on the right.

"What's up?" Raymond said. Sam was facing away from Raymond. He turned around with a hunting rifle in his hand.

I knew hunters loved their guns..

"Where did you find that?" Raymond said with curiosity. "Right here on this stand." Sam said, pointing at the desk. "Is there any ammo?" Raymond said walking over to the desk. "I didn't check." Sam said looking at the gun with interest.

Raymond opened the drawer in the desk and found it empty except for a pen and some broken pencils.

Who takes the ammo and leaves the gun?

Raymond knew that if any normal person had common sense they would grab the gun too. He looked around the room, scanning for ammo boxes. A hunting gun in a bedroom at hands reach from the bed.

Maybe this person was a paranoid type. If I were paranoid as shit where would I keep the ammo.

The gun was within hands reach from the bed so the ammo has to be the same case. Raymond walked over to the bed and looked at it. The nightstand next to the bed had no drawers.

If this were my room and I was paranoid where would I have the bullets??

Raymond walked to the head of the bed and threw the thick pillows off of it. "So we are trashing the house too!" Sam said with excitement.

Before Raymond even had time too tell him he found a box of bullets Sam grabbed the gun stand from the desk and threw it straight out of the window in the room.

The moment the glass broke Raymond and Sam heard a loud siren echo throughout the house. "What the fuck Sam you set off an alarm!" Raymond grabbed the box and saw a duffle bag in the closet. He grabbed it throw the gun, ammo box, and the tools he grabbed from the garage in it and slung it around his back.

"Sorry dude I didn't know." Sam said, holding one of his ears. "How the hell did you not know! This is some rich dudes home and you think they wouldn't have had an alarm?"

"I just got excited okay I thought we can do anything now." Sam said looking at the window. "Either way the cops will come over here now anyways."
"If there are any cops at all then yes but until then there is still a crazy maniac out there and you just mad a LOT of noise that he can easily hear." Raymond said, walking out the door. "Come on Sam we need to get out of this house."

"Alright, where do we go now then?"

"Back to the cliff." Raymond said.

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