Chapter 7 Sand and Shark tooth

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"So when is everyone getting here?"


Austin looked into the house from the back of the bed of his truck as he packed the grill and gas tanks. He saw all his friends from work and their relatives or new friends walk in then turns to Clair who was just tossing the towels and blankets into the bed. "There is your answer," he nodded towards the newcomers.

"Thank you Einstein," Clair rolled her eyes and walked into the room. "Lulu! Zyker! Come out we are leaving soon!" She turned back to welcome the new comers, "hi! I am Clair from yesterday." Once introductions were made they all heard little feet running on the hard wooden floors.



Scarlet cleared a path so that Zyker could do his usual routine. He ran straight to his mother's legs hugged them real tight and yelled, "MUMMIE I LOVE YOU SOOOOO MUCH!!!!"

"Love you too Zyker but I can't feel my legs." Caitlyn held onto Andy and Jinxx, who were snickering, for support since her legs had a growth binding them together. The two year old reluctantly let go of her legs and allowed her to stand on her own before he latched onto Andy who almost fell over. "Not so funny when it's you is it?" Caitlyn held onto Andy's arm as she gave him a smirk meanwhile he sent her death glares.

Everyone just laughed as Andy tried to stand on his own which wasn't really working out for him as he swayed side to side. "Why do I have this feeling that if he falls he will be like a slinky," Piper asked looking at Andy with her head tilted.

"So you imagine him being flexible," Ashley smirked lightly nudging Piper's shoulder as he sipped his coffee.

"Well Caitlyn is the definition of flexible and she is his sister," Piper shrugged then suddenly found the stuff to put into the truck was WAY more interesting. While Rosie just folded her lips into her mouth and looked around the room stopping at Caitlyn.

All the Black Veil Brides members exchange looks along with some of the Outcast members. Austin and Clair smirk as they help Piper with loading the truck for the beach. Caitlyn all the while was zoned out and helping Zyker and Lulu get their swim suits on right. The infants raced into the truck and got all comfy babbling about what kind of sea creatures they would find and what they would do. Piper walked past Caitlyn really fast which left her a little stunned and confused. "Did I miss something?"

Ashley smirked and poked Caitlyn's arm, "no just that Piper said you were the definition of flexible and that she imagines Andy being flexible."

Caitlyn playfully slapped his arm trying to not laugh, "only you would know if my brother was flexible!"


Both of the flirts look at Andy innocently asking, "what?"

Jake, Scarlet, Jinxx and Ricki all groan and roll their eyes, "great now there is two of them."

Austin looked up from the back of the truck at them with a raised eyebrow, "have you seen Andy and Caitlyn when they are bored?"

The Biersack sibling look at Austin with huge eyes and their mouths dropped while everyone else laughs. "WE DO NOT HAVE INCEST! I mean I love you but not that way," they say in unison which causes everyone to laugh even more and the siblings glare at each other. "Not this again." Finally they both through their arms up and turn their backs to each other.

"They sure act like a couple," Rosie sighed as she dabbed away a fake tear. "They seem like such a perfect couple." This was then followed by a bunch of fake crying which Caitlyn just rolled her eyes smiling and went to go find Piper.

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