OR Chapter 6 Stores and a Story

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"WHA?! PERV!!"

Rosie fell out of her bed startled awake by the sound of a scream and a door slamming. "What the hell?!" She rubbed her head moaning as she glanced at the clock, "IT'S FUCKING 11:15 IN THE FUCKING MORNING!?" Rosie got up tugging at her shorts and tank top as she walked out of her room to come face to a flat chest, "your not that flat chested Pip-WHAT THE HELL?!" She fell back hitting her head on the wall behind her realizing that it was CC not Piper.

"SHAKE! Are you ohk?" CC offered her a hand which she took getting up. "You are short!"

"Ow, I forgot you guys were here. AND I'M NOT SHORT!"

"Rosie you are SO short!" Piper stuck her head out of the bathroom, "and CC you are such a PERV!"

"IT WAS AN ACCIDENT," CC exclaimed throwing his hands in the air.

"Yeah," Jinxx chuckled, "like you thought the singing was coming from the toilet?! Come on man!" Jinxx chucked a pillow at a laughing CC who dodged it but it hit Rosie square in the face. "Sorry!"

"Hey! I thought there was more than one bathroom so I thought it was coming from the other bathroom," he shrugged then was pushed aside by Rosie.

"This is WAR!!!" She chased Jinxx around the house holding the pillow above her head. Jinxx jumped on the couch grabbing a pillow holding it up to his face.

"I would be more concerned with the lower regions if I were you," Piper said leaning against the doorway with her arms folded and her hair in a towel. Jinxx looked at Piper turning the pillow slightly then fell onto the couch getting tackled by Rosie. "Warned you."

Jinxx laughed as Rosie "beat" him with a pillow then he just pushed her off onto the floor gently, "you tackle like a guy! Jesus CHRIST!"

"Is you savior! So you guys ready for some Wallie World?"

Everyone in the room turned to see Caitlyn and Andy in the hallway. "WHEN THE FUCK DID YOU GET HERE?!" Piper asked looking at Caitlyn.


Caitlyn laughed at Rosie, "you left your keys in my jacket when I let you borrow it for the ride."

"Rosie! You know better than to have an affair!" Piper faked her anger at Rosie who just looked back blankly.


Everyone else face palmed, "Rosie she said that you and I tangoed!"

"But you don't do Spanish things," Rosie still confused until Caitlyn gave her the 'YOU FUCKING ME?!' face. "OH!!!! Aw yeah! Hubby and I had a blast last night!"

The guys looked at the two chicks totally confused then at each other, "WHAT?!"

"Caitlyn is my Hubby and I'm her Wifey!" She gave them the 'DUH!!' look while Piper held in her laughter.

"Rosie I wouldn't give them the DUH look when I had to nearly pill it out for you to realized what Piper was saying."

"Shut up! Asshole!"

"Whatever Midget. You guys coming with us to Wallie World?" Caitlyn tossed Rosie her keys and had the others follow her out the door.

"You ride a bike?" CC checked out Caitlyn's ride who's was next to Piper's.

"Yeah." She pointed to the black one with OUTCAST in a red drippy faded Western font. "Black is mine the purple and black one is Piper's."

"Mine is the truck which is SAFER!" Rosie emphasized the last word glaring at Caitlyn.

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