All of a sudden, Estupido lunged forward, his sword already half-way out of its scabbard, and yelled at Loki as he swiped furiously towards his neck, "Then we shall have to fight it out, and see who wins!"

And then shit hit the fan.

Badness happened.

Chaos erupted.

The world ended.

Jk, the world didn't end, but everybody suddenly went batshit crazy, and then all hell broke loose. At least on your captors side, it was chaos. On the Asgardian side, there was less confusion. They had battle tactics well thought out and they utilized every minute of their training. In all honesty, you couldn't see how your kidnappers had ever thought they would win the fight. So you just had to wait until Loki had managed to kill, maim, or scare off every single one of the enemy, then you would be safe.

But in the meantime, you found yourself in the middle of a vicious battle, without a weapon. 

Okay scratch that, there was a weapon from the kidnappers team, that had fallen to the ground when the user was killed. Whoops. It was there right in front of you, and so you pounced on it, willing to show Loki that you could fight almost as good as Sif.

Well, at least you thought you could try.

Upon picking up the weapon, you discovered that it was ancient, and nothing like the weapons Loki had shown you how to use. It was like trying to use Windows 95, when you were used to Windows 7. Essentially, nothing made sense, nothing was were it was supposed to be, and suddenly you questioned your entire existence and decided that the best way to understand would be to get drunk. You were in the middle of debating the pros and cons of getting drunk in battle when a body flew into your side, knocking you down. The body landed on top of yours, and when you inched one eye open, you discovered that Loki had suddenly filled an urge to cuddle with you.

In reality, he knocked you out of the way of a laser cannon blast. You stared up at him, he blinked down at you.

"Hello, my love."

"Hi. Fancy seeing you here. Umm, can I have a gun?"

He rolled off of you and pulled you to your feet before speaking. "No, I don't exactly trust you with a gun. But take this, " he handed you a dagger from his belt, "and stay here." He led you to a boulder, which stood off to the side a bit and was mostly safe from the battle. I say mostly, because as you hunched there, waiting for Loki to come back and get you, a few bodies did fly over your head, and consequently, over the cliff.

Gradually, you could hear the noise from the battle fade into near quiet, and you finally got up the nerve to peek around the corner. 

This is what you saw. Loki, his helmet been knocked off during the fight, stood over Estupado, his chest heaving from the exertion. He must have finally killed him, because he was the last man down, and you also saw Loki pull the tip of his staff from the man's neck. His hair was loose around his shoulders, damp with sweat and matted with a bit of blood and mud. You slowly stood up from the crouch, and moved towards him. He didn't notice you until you were right beside him, and he turned to face you. His turquois eyes blazed into your's as he dropped his staff into the mud, and encircled his arms around you. You buried your head in his chest, and he buried his face in your hair. 

The two of you stood for a long time like that, just embracing on the battlefield. No words were spoken, but you could tell that he was scared. He was scared that you, the one thing he loved, could be taken away from him so easily. He was frightened that he might never get you back, or that someone would hurt you to get to him. You, so delicate, so pure, you had chosen him, and he let you down. He had promised that he would be good for you, that he would put his bad ways behind him, and he had, but that anger, that same bitterness that overtook him while he tried to overtake New York, it all came back in a flash when you were threatened. So not only had he broken his promise to keep you safe, he had broken his promise to never again use violence to gain anything.

But he also understood that you still loved him. You forgave him all his wrongs, and you still loved him for the man he really is. And right now, with you nestled in his arms, safe once again, all the anger disappeared, and all he felt was love. Unbearable love, for you. 


Hey guys! So ya'll are lucky, because you get two updates in one day!! YAY!!!!

Actually, I just felt guilty that I hadn't written anything down, and I had time to write, so here it is!

Also, I thinking about adding Pietro to the mix. I saw Age of Ultron, and he's pretty hot. I would finish the Getting Rescued parts, then put up a few chapters to catch up with him. I mean, it would go fast because he's so fast....

HAHAHAHAH you don't have to laugh that was lame. So tell me what you think about that, if you guys want Pietro or not.

Side note: Estupido is actually Spanish for asshole. Thanks Google Translate. 

Hope you liked it, and were hit hard by the feels. 

Expect the next half of the guys within a bit, I'm trying to get them all done by the end of next week.


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