Chapter 14 - 3 months Earlier

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It's been a month since the night Harry kissed Caitlyn. Neither of them know that I saw them.

The only reason Caitlyn was in Paris was for Harry. Apparently she told Niall she was going for a photoshoot. I learnt that from El and Danielle. Perri was touring, but all four of us had become great friends.

Every night Harry wanted to go to the club, I refused, in fear of what could happen to me again.

I ached to go, but I couldn't.

Harry walked down the stairs as he did up his lady button on his shirt.

"Going to the club", he stated nonchalantly.

"I know. I'm not an idiot"

He glanced up at me as he grasped the door handle.

"Why don't you go anymore?", he asked as if it were a big deal.

"Well, something happened there and I didn't want to go with you anymore."

I hoped he would get the hint.

A flash went through his eyes, of fear. Then he looked at me with a confused face and scoffed.

"What's with you?! You've been ignoring me the past MONTH!!"

I stood up from the couch and placed my magazine on the couch.

I opened my mouth to say something harsh. No words came out, do I whispered, scared. "Does Niall know?"

Fear and anger sat in his eyes as he fumed.

"I NEVER LOVED YOU! OK! IS THAT WHAT YOU WERE LOOKING FOR?!" I was taken aback. He quietly yelled, "You fall easy!"

I didn't understand the last part as he waded out the door.

I looked out the window as his car backed out an headed for the club.

I couldn't contain myself any more.

I sat on the floor and cried. I cried and cried until nothing came out and I couldn't breathe, because I was choking on my own breathe and salty tears.

I lay on the couch and fell asleep.


I woke up, still on the couch.

I had to stay. It was one fight. Harry was drunk when he kissed Caitlyn. He'd already had a few drink before he left, too. I have to forgive. Forgive and forget.

I clambered up the steps and down the hall to our bedroom.

Clothes were strewn across the floor and two brunettes, body bare, lay together in our bed.

I had back my tears and started to pack my stuff.

After five minutes I was in the bathroom, when u dropped my hairbrush on the tiled floor. It made a loud bang as it crashed to the floor. I cringed. Please don't wake anyone up!

I heard padding footsteps into the bathroom and I looked up. Harry towered over me.

"What are you doing?", he half yelled this.

"Nothing." I shook my head.

He turned around, obviously not believing me. After a few seconds, I heard him asleep, quietly snoring.

I shoved everything in my suitcase and took it outside.

I had to call my, neglected, best friend.

No, not El and the girls.


He's always been there. My guitarist and my friend.

After an hour of waiting (luckily Grant was seeing his parents) his car rolled in.

I climbed in and he stated sadly at me. No words went between us, but I was comfortable.

As we drove along the high way we started to talk. He stared down at the necklace Harry gave me.

I gave him a knowing glance and ripped it off.

We laughed as I chucked it out the window, as it flew backwards and I screamed, "SCREW YOU, HARRY STYLES!!"

Grant could always make me feel better.

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