Chapter 6 - 6 months earlier - Are you better? I want to go out.

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Geez it's been a while.


Taylors POV

It's been a week since I force fed Harry the yogurt. He's better now, laughing more than ever. I decided to stay in England, move in with the boys. I know that might be a step too quick, but living alone in Nashville was boring. And Harry and I are becoming closer every second. Yesterday, we went on a date. We shared a long kiss and went to the park. Today, we have a double date, with Louis and Eleanor.

I was in Harry's room. I had to share a bed with him, since there was no spare rooms or mattresses or anything. But Harry respects my privacy.

I took out my small silver studs and replaced them with my favorite earrings, my mint roses. I slipped on my floral dress, in which the hem stopped just above my knees. I slipped my cream cat shoes on and giggled. I honestly loved them. I was looking down at my feet, tapping them together when I heard a slight chuckle. I looked up and saw Harry leaning up against the door frame. "You really enjoy those cat shoes", he stated.

"I just love cats"

"Crazy cat lady", he smirked. I looked at him with evil eyes. "You didn't" I smiled springing my legs as I ran towards him. I must've scared him, because he didn't move. I tackled him to the ground. I thought I could hold him down longer, so I smirked. He just smirked back, flipping me over in a second. I sighed under his arms. He leant his head down and kissed my. I smirked into it. I flipped him over, after I felt him relax. I held onto the kiss, though.

I heard a cough. We broke apart as I stared up at Louis, with a very pretty girl with mid-length brown hair, flowing down her shoulders. I got up, straightened my dress and sighed. 

"Hi, I'm Taylor", I stuck my hand out as the girl giggled.

"Eleanor", She didn't shake my hand, though. She grasped it and took me into Harry's room. She dragged me into the ensuite and I burst out laughing. She did as well. We laughed together as we looked in the mirror. My hair was spiking up, out and everywhere. I could tell what she was thinking.

"Let's fix you up"

She grabbed a brush out of the drawer. She started brushing my hair. She tied it into a cute mid-high ponytail. I looked at myself. Make-up. Was it needed? I didn't know. But I love putting it on anyway. I went to grab the lipstick out of my make-up bag when Eleanor opened another drawer and pulled a tonne of hair products out. She sprayed my hair, brushed the tips. She stuck her fingers in a gel and rubbed her fingers on the tips of my hair and the top of my head. My hair looked shiny and amazing.

"I love it", I murmured. 

She giggled. "I knew you would."

"But, how did all your hair products get in here?", I asked. I didn't know. I don't think she lived here. I never saw anything girly here.

"Well, I don't live here, you can tell" She made a duh face which made me giggle. "But when I do stay over, Louis doesn't have an ensuite, and Harry offered me this one. Because I think the boys could tell I didn't want their stinky, dirty bathroom. I make them clean it, it's that bad!" We both burst into laughter.

I quickly made my cat eye make- up and lipstick and grabbed my lace handbag. We left in an instant.


We had Yum-Cha for lunch, the best I had ever had. We were finishing up, as I sipped the last of my Diet Coke.

"I want to get new skinny jeans", Harry said.

"I need new ones too", Louis stated.

I looked to Eleanor. She knew exactly.

"Well, then, Eleanor and I shall go shopping", I suggested. We both nodded, got up and sprinted.We ran into a cute little store with the most adorable dresses. We stayed in their for ages, because it was a really big store, and we grabbed lots of random things off the shelf and tried them all on. I walked out of my stall, wearing a cute, dress, white and lacey. I was freaking out. I loved it so much, just under my budget, too! Eleanor walked out of the racks, we were being silly and she was hiding. She gasped. "What? I thought it looked good on me" I faked shocked, laughing at the same time.

"It looks amazing on you" She sighed.

My phone rang.

That's what makes you beautiful

If only you saw what I could see

You'd understand why I want you so desperately

Eleanor giggled at my ringtone, and I gave her a humourous glare. She was so nice and fun to hang out with.

I answered my phone, to Harry speaking.

"You look hot in that dress, babe"

I was confused. I looked out of the store and saw Harry smirking at me. I smirked evily at Harry.

"Nice ringtone" He added.

"What ever, Harry. Should i get the dress?"

"Yes, Taylor, use my credit card"

"No. Why should I?"

"I bet I want it more than you", he said as I watched him reach into his pocket, take his credit card out of his wallet and crouch down.

"What are you doing?"

He slid the credit card across the floor and spoke the pin numbers into the telephone. I smirked and hung up. I bought the dress and Eleanor and i left for the boys flat.


I slipped my tank over my body and put my hair in a bun. I slipped into my bed.

Harry wrapped his warm arms around my waist. I leant by back on his warm chest, feeling safe and secure.

"I love you Taylor"

Harry whispered.

What do I say. I know I love him, but Love is a big thing.

"I love you too" I whispered back. He played with my hair as I drifted off. I guess I really did love him.

Trouble (Taylor Swift + Harry Styles)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon