Chapter 12 - 5 months Earlier - Reflection on a Plane

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I love being on planes. Just flying over the clouds gives me a feel of safety, yet utter fear of falling. I love to fly, it gives me some time to think about, 'things'.

I'm actually kind of scared... Falling in love is such a hard thing. It's not the love part, it's the falling. I have been through so many break ups, and what if Harry breaks my heart? I can't let this happen again. But, what if I carelessly letting him slip from my hands, when trying not to fall for something I probably shouldn't. I can't lose Harry, I feel I love him. But the thought of loving him scares me... I'm afraid to love him.

Harry tapped my shoulder and I turned to face him. He shrugged and turned, watching as the flight attendants passed, most probably waiting for food.

Does Harry even care for me? Would he care if I ran away from love. or would he let me run away? Would he chase after me, knock on my door and wait for me to open it? I love it when he kisses me, at times when I need it, or when he interrupts what I am saying with a soft kiss. I don't care when he kisses me, if it's infront of the world, I don't care.

I sighed in exasperation. A woman came by with food as I ordered a sandwhich for myself. I could guess she knew Harry was on the plane. She was about 18, she sure must've been a fan. Her hair, every strand, was scraped back into a tight bun, directly atop her head. Her lipstick, a red, so red in fact it nearly looked purple. Her tights were black, but they were pulled in extremely tight to hold in any leg fat. Her face was caked in make up. Over the top on blush, eye liner and eye shadow. Without the make up, she would be a very, very pretty girl. She was very slim.

As she left, Harry unwrapped his sandwhich, and I tapped his shoulder. He turned to me. I simply shook my head and looked out over the clouds.


As we landed, Harry groggily got up from sleep and started to walk. I sped ahead and waited on the turf outside the plane. He came down the stairs and we went through the baggage check. As we left the airport, I hailed a taxi, effortlessly waving my arm through the air as I yelled the key word. A taxi pulled up and we hopped in.

We soon pulled up to a small, quaint cottage. Harry clambered up the small path, aligned with flowers.

I stepped inside. It looked more comfortable than a hotel. He walked straight up the stairs.

"Harry, you seem like you've been here before?" I stated, more than questioned, although it was still a question.

"It's my mothers holiday house" he stated. I flopped onto the bed in the room.

I closed my eyes, and soon after, blissful sleep took over.


I woke up the next morning, feeling fresh and excited. I looked out the little glass window at the beautiful tower. It was still dawn, the sun had not completely come out yet. Bit it was one of the most beautiful sights. I few early risers running along the streets, car horns beeping and birds singing. The Eiffel Tower was still lit up.

I turned to Harry who was waking up.

"Hey, Harry"

"Hey Taylor"

"What do you want to do today?", I inquired.

"The boys, and their girlfriends, are coming for 3 weeks, then we have the rest of the holiday to ourselves"


I heard a quiet knock at the door. I swing it open, to see the happy faces of the people I love.

Harry had gone to pick all of them up. He kissed my cheek and went inside to turn the television on.

Eleanor had a bag full of stuff, but her head was turned as she kissed Louis. They were nearer the back of the pile of people in front of me.

Liam, and Danielle, who I've heard so much about yet never met, waved at me and continued into the spare bedroom.

Zayn brought Perrie along, whom I've briefly met.

Niall had a beautiful girl with her, who registered to me as Caitlyn, a model for Vogue. I'd met her before.

I gasped and she turned her head to look at me. "Caitlyn!"

She looked shocked, then she turned her eyes to fully focus on me, until a second later she realised who I was.


I was cooking dinner, the group of friends all in the loungeroom. Eleanor sat at the island table in the kitchen, talking to me as I chopped carrots and potatoes. I put the chicken in the oven and kept chopping.

Harry came in and kissed my cheek, wrapping his arms around my waist.

Eleanor 'awe'd us.

He kissed me again and walked into the pantry and got out the bread and nutella. I couldn't stand nutella, but Harry loves it.

I looked out into the loungeroom, to see Niall hugging his new girlfriend, kissing her head as her head rest in his chest. Their feet were intertwined and so were their fingers.

I was kind of jealous, as I stared at the new couple, for Harry never spent time to kiss me, instead to so things with his mates. We could be kissing, but he left me with the dinner work.


Eventually, everybody left. It was time for Harry and I to have OUR holiday.

It was night, and Harry was wearing a loose T, skinny jeans, and his TOMS. "Taylor, go upstairs dress sexy, we're going out tonight."

I was shocked, since Harry had never done this before.

I walked upstairs and wore a sleek, black tight dress. I put on black heels and my makeup. I let my hair swing over my shoulders and I crept downstairs.

Harry wolf whistles as I walked outside, I plopped into the car and his engine started.

As we backed out of the driveway, Harry placed his hand on my leg, it felt awkward to me, but I didn't want to move it.


We pulled up at a noisy club.

Oh no.

I walked in, Harry had already walked in and was sipping his first drink. I had never had alcohol before...

He ordered me a shot. I hesitantly grabbed it... why not have fun, Taylor?... And the liquid swirled down my throat. Another one later and I was already drunk.

I danced effortlessly to the music, swaying my hips, bumping others as I went for my life.


I hope you guys enjoyed that!

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