Chapter Two

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Jasmine's POV:

I stare at Katie and Charlie blankly even though my insides are churning and I feel like I'm going to get sick. Both of them hold expressions of pity as they wait for my reaction. What am I supposed to say when I had nothing to say?

I like it here. I really like it here. In this pack. The Alpha family treat me like I'm part of the pack and they have helped me so much over the last few months. I owe them alot especially Katie and her kids. They know how to make me smile even if it's just the twitch of my lips.

I knew something was up when they arrived at my door with little Josh but soon sent him away to speak in private.

Looking up at Katie I see the sadness in her eyes. I have gotten close to Katie recently. I remember when she was taken and brought to the cells with her daughter where I was kept. I never talked to her simply because I didn't talk. Period.

I had become mute over the years refusing to talk because when I did I was usually punished. There was no point. But over the few months I have only said a few words to Katie. She's easy to be around. Her gentle but strong nature makes me feel safe rather than the usual fear that I feel.

Her eyes tell me that she doesn't want me to go but they are my parents and they want me home.

"No." I whisper quietly clenching my fists. I am bombarded with so many emotions.

Charlie opens his mouth but his mate beats him to it.

"Honey they are your parents. Your family. And all your brothers."


I shake my head this time.

"They are expecting Jazmine home. The daughter they knew ten years ago. But I'm not her." I stress. My shoulders slump and I choke out my next few words.

"Not anymore."

Pulling my legs up to my chest I curl in on my self like I usually do when I'm scared. Because I am terrified.

I don't want to meet them. They won't like me. I have changed too much. I'm not the eight year old that they used to know. Ten years has changed me. Mentally and physically. I no longer have that little twinkle in my eye just a dead empty expression. I have scars all over my body. There's not a spot not scarred in some way.

I'm skinnier. An unhealthy skinny though I must admit I have gained weight since I was rescued. Luna Katie makes sure I have proper meals every day. At first I couldn't hold anything down. Decent food was a foreign substance to my body. I wanted to eat the delicious food placed in front of me but I would just end up throwing it all up.

My shoulders shake as tears stream down my cheeks. I can picture the teardrops as they flow down my cheek running over the jagged scar on my face. An ugly pink scar runs diagonally down the right side of my face. It is hard to look at and that's another reason I don't like talking or meeting new people. They only stare.

I hear a sigh and then movement. Peeking from under my arm I see Charlie towering over the bed as he stands to push Katie's wheelchair. Despite knowing he won't hurt me I still cower away into the sheets. My movement catches his eye and he looks at me with a sad smile. Katie's voice breaks the awkward silence.

"We will go now. Just remember Jaz, you have a family that loves you and wants you back in their lives. And you will ALWAYS be welcome here. If I had my way you would stay here." She pouts and I want to smile but my face stays stoic hidden in my arms.

Too lost in my thoughts I don't notice them leaving quietly but just as Alpha Charlie closes the door he pops his head back around the door obviously forgetting something.

Make Me Remember.  ~Sequel/spin-off to Second Chance....~~On HIATUS~Where stories live. Discover now