Chapter 38

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posting 2 chapters today since this one's a little on the short side... enjoy!


There were moments when I was doing okay. Those were the moments I didn't see Vic and my classes distracted me enough so I didn't even have the time to think about him. The rest of the time I was a complete mess.

A time like right now.

I had been crying again for god knows how long, but quickly locked myself into the bathroom when I heard the door open. I didn't want Tony to find me crying again. He had so many times already, and I could see how uncomfortable it made him.

"We can't play that gig tonight." It was Mike talking.

"Why not?" Tony asked sounding confused.

I placed my ear on the door and tried to listen in on their conversation. I knew that I shouldn't really, but I couldn't help myself.

Mike: It's Vic, man. He's a total mess. I mean he's had some pretty fucked up days in the past, but this is bad. Jaime told me he was lying in bed last night sobbing like a little kid who just watched his puppy die. And apparently it's not the first time.

Tony: It hasn't been much different in here. I don't get it man, why won't those two just talk? It's been weeks already!

Mike: It's been a month, actually. And maybe it's better for him if she does just leave.

Tony: I don't know man; I don't think it's our place to say that.

Mike: I'm just tired of seeing my brother like this. It's not easy for him having to see her almost daily, you know?

Fresh tears escaped my eyes. I had to get out of here. I unlocked the bathroom door and walked out, facing both Mike and Tony standing in the middle of the room. They looked kinda surprised when they saw me. "Do you think it's easy for me?" I choked out as I started to cry again.

"Chelsea, we're sorry. We didn't mean it like that." Tony said with guilt in his voice.

"Save it." I mumbled, shaking my head. "It doesn't even matter." I then quickly walked past them and left the dorm room, making my way to the back of campus as quickly as I could. I needed to get away from people, even if it was for just a little while.

I quickly walked down the hall, covering my eyes for only a moment to wipe away the tears, when I ran into someone. "Sorry." We both said at the exact same time. But then I froze when I recognized the voice. I looked up, Vic's face only inches away from mine. His eyes were all puffy and red and he looked incredibly tired. There was no emotion to be read off his face, only exhaustion.

I hated seeing him like that.

Without a word, I quickly moved around him and ran outside into the darkness. In the grass field, I dropped to my knees and began to sob all over. I was never gonna get over him. I just wasn't. It had been a month and I still wasn't.

So I guess Mike was right. It was probably better if I left. It was better for the both of us. For everyone. So I suppose all I could do was hope that the school in New York would actually take me... and if they didn't? Heck I had no idea what I was going to do then. I guess I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

- - -

"Buenos dias, class." Mister Preciado greeted us as we all rolled into the classroom. While we were all still getting to our tables, me having switched to the complete back of the class instead of my usual front seat, mister Preciado already started talking about our new assignment. "Today we are going to practice for job interviews. Now don't get this the wrong way, I'm not expecting any of you to go off to Mexico and get a job there or whatever... this is just to improve your skills on the big words." He explained, almost mockingly. He grabbed a stack of papers and started walking around the tables, handing only half of the students a sheet with the assignment.

"Obviously you'll be working in pairs today." Mister Preciado pointed out as he got back to his desk. He grabbed the list of names and started reading it out loud. "Barakat and Radke. Williams and Biersack. Preciado and Gunn. Way and Iero. McDougall and Perry. Fuentes and Sykes—"

Oh god. Oh no. Please no. I wasn't ready for this.

I kept my face down but tried to look up a little through my hair, and saw by the familiar legs that Vic was walking up to me. He sat himself down on the chair beside me with a sigh, and placed the assignment on the middle of the table. The only thing I did was move my head a little to look at it. I didn't look at Vic, I didn't want to.

"Well this should be easy, you know all of this. I taught you most of this last year." Vic spoke silently. His voice was croaky and relaxed. It was how he usually spoke. I missed that voice. And honestly it hurt to hear it again like that. As if things were normal.

I didn't say anything back though. I just kept staring at the assignment. "So let's get to it, I guess. All we need to do is translate this and... talk." With the way he spoke the last word, it sounded like he meant something entirely different. And I felt like I was suffocating. I wanted to talk to him, but I also didn't. I wanted to be normal with him, but then I couldn't. The same old tears started welling up in my eyes. God, I was so sick of crying over him!

Vic sighed deeply. "Look, I'm just trying to get the assignment done, alright? I hate this as much as you do." That was a lie. I snapped my head to the left, finally looking at him. Unlike me, he didn't look as exhausted as he did the last time I saw him this close up. He looked perfectly fine, actually. But I wasn't. I was far from it.

"Is everything okay?" Vic then asked. And I could feel the tears escaping the corners of my eyes. How could he act so fucking casual, as if nothing was going on? What the fuck was wrong with him?!

Without a word, I got up and left the classroom.

Vic was doing fine. He looked like he was back to his old self. I hadn't seen him smile, but still. I guess he had moved on. And I guess that was the end of that. I suppose that all I had to do now was move on too.

I hurried myself back to my dorm room and firmly shut the door behind me.

My only hope was New York. 

Luckily after that day, we didn't have any classes for a week. I was beyond grateful for that and quickly made my way home. Kellin was going to stay at our place with Oliver all week. Partially I think to keep an eye on me.

There was nothing harder than seeing a happy couple flutter around me every day though. I mean sure, they were allowed to be happy together, but it just really made me miss Vic. I missed having his arms around me; how it made me feel so safe. I missed his lips on mine; how they set my heart on fire every time he kissed me. And I missed his smile. God he had such an amazing smile.

So I did the only thing I thought could help to get my mind off that.

I started drinking.

A lot.

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