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"Are you ready?" Your bridesmaid, Alexis asked you. She was tieing the back of your dress up.

"I'm nervous." You said truthfully.

"Why?" Your other bridesmaid, Amanda asked.

"I mean, we haven't been dating long." You said.

"Five years is a pretty long time." Your maid of honor, Lisa laughed.

"Okay, that's true. But I mean like we were teenagers when we started dating." You said.

"Listen to me, Savannah, you've got nothing to worry about." Alexis said with a smile written across her face.

"Ladies." Their was a knock at the door. "It's time."

"Let's go!" Amanda said happily.

She went and opened the wooden door. Lisa and alexis walked out first followed by you and Amanda. You were so nervous to marry Max. He was the love of your life and you were sure of it, but what if you messed up and ruined everything?

"What are you thinking about?" Kurt asked you. He was the best man, considering he was Max's brother.

"What if I mess up?" You asked.

Kurt looked at you sadly. "Savannah, can I tell you something?"

"Of course!" You said. You and Kurt had always gotten along. You guys were good friends.

"The day after Max introduced you into the family, he wouldn't stop talking about you. He said that he wanted to be with you for a long time. I know that you won't mess up, and you'll be together for a long time."

"Thank you!" You said smiling.

"I have to go now, but I'll be standing right next to Max." He laughed before leaving to walk with Lisa.

Soon, it was your turn to walk down the isle. You're dad walked by your side. Max was looking back at you with the biggest smile ever. He thought to him that he was the luckiest person on this planet.

You were at the alter and you both joined hands. He squeezed your left hand really tightly. You smiled up at him and he kissed your head.

"Awe" was murmured through the croud.

" Hello and welcome! May your hearts be glad and your spirits be light.

For every thing there is a season and a time for every purpose under Heaven. Now is the time for a wedding.

Savannah and Max have asked you all here today to bear witness to the forming of their covenant.

In honor of this event, they will say heartfelt words, perform age-old rituals and validate this event in your presence, their family and friends.

They will laugh and cry, dance and sing, and above all, celebrate their love with the blessings of the people who matter most to them.

To this day Savannah and Max bring the joy in their hearts as a gift to one another.

They bring their shared dreams, which tie them together.

And they bring the seeds for their future, out of which will grow their life together.

You have been invited to share in their joy because of your bonds to the bride and groom and their families.

Again, they welcome you and thank you for coming." The officiant started the ceremony.

"You look so beautiful." Max whispered to you.

"Savannah and Max are here to marry each other. No one else's will can create such a union.

It is their words, their intentions, their vision, that must define and shape this marriage.

So I call upon them now to state their promise before this group: the pledges that will bind them together. Savannah, you go first."

You took a deep breath and smiled. "Max, we have been together for the last 5 years. I have been with you through the hard times and the good times. I promise that I will continue to support you in your bad times and love you with your good times. I promise to show you love and compassion for every day that we are together."


"Savannah, you are my world. You've given me so much love and I promise that I will show you all the love I can for the rest of our lives. You have loved me even in my time of darkness. I promise that I will support, love, and share in your happiness for every second we are together."

" Do you, Max, welcome Savannah as your wife, offering her your love and encouragement, your trust and respect, as together you create your future?"

Max says, "I do."

"Do you, Savannah welcome Max as your husband, offering him your love and encouragement, your trust and respect, as together you create your future"

"I do."

"Max, as you place the ring on Savannah's finger, please repeat after me:
This ring I give you
Is a symbol of my love.
I pledge to share with you my heart,
My home, and all of my worldly goods."

"This ring I give you
Is a symbol of my love.
I pledge to share with you my heart,
My home, and all of my worldly goods."

"Savannah, as you place the ring on Max's finger, please repeat after me:
This ring I give you
Is a symbol of my love.
I pledge to share with you my heart,
My home, and all of my worldly goods."

"This ring I give you
Is a symbol of my love.
I pledge to share with you my heart,
My home, and all of my worldly goods."

"Therefore, it is my pleasure to now pronounce them husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride!"

Max pulled you forward by your hips and kissed you passionately. Everyone started to cheer. Max and you ran down the aisle followed by your maids and men.

Everyone followed you out. You all went to the courtyard and took pictures.

"You look so beautiful today." Max said while they were taking pictures.

"Could you guys hold the big heart and kiss?" The photographer asked.

You both held the big heart. It was kinda heavy, but you managed because Max held 98% of it.

"Congratulations you two!" Kurt said with Lisa on his arm.

"Thanks bro!" Max said happily.

"Hey, we have to go to the reception." You said reminding Max.

"Oh yeah!" You two walked to the car and got in.

It was a black car, with a driver. The reception was 20 minutes away. You and Max talked the whole way their.

"Is it bad I feel like all the other married couples were judging us?" You asked laughing.

"No, baby. They were all jealous anyway." He said kissing you, one more time.

You both got to the venue. Max helped you out the car and you hooked arms. He led you in, where everyone was clapping. The venue was 20 minutes away but was apart of the same company. This was like a manor for the party.

It was time for the first dance. They played Can't Help Falling In Love by Elvis. You and Max heard this song on your first date and decided that it was a sign.

Max was whispering the lyrics into your ear, which made you tear up. How did you find someone who loved you this much?

"I was thinking the same thing." Max kissing you're cheek.

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