Dallon Weekes

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You wake up in the morning without Dallon next to you. Hmm, that's strange because you usually wake up before he does. You seen a yellow piece of paper with Dallon's handwriting scribbled on it.

Dear (y/n)

I went to band practice early today. Sorry I didn't get to kiss you this morning.


You smiled at the note. You sighed and got out of bed. The sun was shining outside so you showered and changed into a gray tee and blue skinny jeans. You were feeling hungry, so you mad pancakes.

Everything felt different without your usual schedule of waking Dallon up and getting a morning kiss from him. You still had to continue your day, so you cleaned the house, before your best friend, Sarah, who was also Brendon's wife, came over.

"Hey Sarah." You greeted her by the door. She could sense that you weren't feeling the best today. She could always tell, because you guys have been friends for five years now. In fact, Sarah was the one who introduced you to Dallon.

"What's wrong?" She asked pouting. She didn't like seeing you upset.

"Well Dal left early today and I didn't get to see him." You sighed. You didn't know why you were still upset. It wasn't someone to get crazy about considering you were going to see him again.

"Aww well I used to feel that way about Brendon. After a while I got used to it. I mean, you and Dallon just moved in tether. Things will get easier." Sarah was always good at making you feel better.

"You really think so?" You asked and she nodded smiling.

"Anyway, let's go swimming!" Sarah cheered. You both changed into your bathing suits and went out to the pool. You stood at the edge of the pool, before Sarah pushed you in.

You rose to the surface and saw Sarah laughing. She held out her hand to help you up, but you pulled her in. Now you were both laughing.

After that, you guys both changed and Sarah left. Soon, you were home all by yourself. You looked at the clock and it was almost time for Dallon to be home. You started making dinner.

The doorbell rang and you went to open it. Dallon stood on the other side. Hi stall figure standing over you. He came inside and you two shared a kiss that was long overdue.

"How was you day?" You asked.

"Terrible, I didn't get my kiss from you. I'm sure Brendon was pissed off with me by the end of day." He explained and you smiled, because he felt the same way you did.

After you guys ate and watched a movie, it was late and you were desperately tired. You both went upstairs and got ready for bed. You cuddled with Dallon for a little while before you both fell asleep.

The next morning you woke up and Dallon was gone. You sighed and silently hoped that this would get easier. In his place, however, was a black box. You picked it up and opened it. Inside was a diamond ring.

"(y/n) will you marry me?" you heard Dallon say behind you. You turned around and saw him behind you. You smiled and almost started crying, but soon composed yourself.

"Yes, Dallon, a thousand times yes!" You practically screamed before jumping on him and showering him with kisses. "I love you"

"I love you too."

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