Cody Carson

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Katy was sitting in her dorm room studying for her finals tomorrow. She went page after page, stopping to look at highlighted areas. Her pen was being twirled around in her right hand as she focused on nothing but the words.

Her phone had exploded with messages and phone calls from her friends, and her boyfriend Cody. She knew that they would be calling her to see if she wanted to go out. No matter how much she wanted to, she couldn't.

Tomorrow was important and she could not fail. In the midst of her studying, there was a knock at the door. It wasn't the normal knock knock knock. It was lazy and kept going and going and going. Katy bit her lip wondering who would be at the door at this time at night.

Her roommate wasn't at the dorms right now. She still attended school, she was just occupying another place at the moment.

Nevertheless, Katy got up and walked to the door. On the other side was Cody. He was a bit drunk and she could tell because he smelt like alcohol and he wasn't standing properly. Instead of standing on two feet, he was leaning against the door frame.

"Cody? What are you doing here this late?" Katy asked. It wasn't really the time that was the problem, just the fact that he was drunk.

"I missed you so I drove-" Katy cut him off because she was upset with Cody. That was such an irresponsible thing for him to do!

"You drove here? And you were drinking?" Katy asked leading Cody over to her bed so he could lay down and rest.

"Yeah, but I wanted to see you." His words came out like an innocent child.

"Well you see me now so get to sleep." She said turning the lamp near her bed off and walking back to her desk. She heard the bed shake and felt arms snake around her waist.

"You know what I mean." Cody whispered into her ear.

"Ugh, Cody Stop!" Katy said pushing him away. "You're drunk." She said trying to distance herself from him.

"Alright, I'm sorry babe." He slurred out and the lied down the bed. "I'm sleeping now."

Katy let out a sigh and collapsed on her desk chair. She felt bad for yelling at Cody, but he wasn't going to listen either way. She looked over and he was still awake and staring at her.

"Come cuddle with me." Katy couldn't say no to that. She lobed cuddling with Cody. Especially on a cold night like this.

She walked over to the bed and lied down. Cody wrapped his arms around her and she fell asleep into his arms.

For the lovely FOB_MCR_PiatD

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