Ryan Ross NSFW

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"No, Ryan! I don't want to do this anymore." (Y/n) yelled at Ryan. This was the most they've ever fought over something. (Y/n) couldn't take it anymore. She didn't want this relationship with Ryan, because it just caused problems.

"You're overreacting!" Ryan yelled back frustrated with her attitude. He didn't do what she was accusing him of.

"Overreacting? That's some serious shit right their!" She kept yelling at him.

"This relationship is shit! God, I regret ever marrying you!" He said without even thinking of the words coming out of his mouth. He shut his mouth directly after saying that.

(Y/n) wiped her eyes, because she was starting to tear up. Of course, she was thinking this earlier, but didn't actually mean it. She was just mad that she couldn't do anything to make her marriage work out.

"Oh my God, (y/n), baby I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it." He tried to take back his words, but they were said and he couldn't take them back.

"No, Ryan, you can't take it back." She said in between sniffles. She turned away from him and proceed to walk up the stairs.

Before she could even walk up the first step, she started crying and couldn't stop. Ryan sighed and he knew that this was all his fault. He shouldn't have done everything he did to her. He knew better.

He walked over to her and pulled her into his chest. "I'm so sorry Ryan. I try everyday to be the best wife for you, but I don't know, it's like something's wrong with me." She sobbed into his chest and soaking his shirt.

"No, no, no (y/n). This is my fault. I know much better then to do what I've been doing. I-I,can't believe I ruined our marriage." He said kissing her forehead.

"No, Ryan. We can still fix this." (Y/n) tried to reassure him.

"I know exactly how." He said and kissed her soft lips.

"No, ryan." She tried to resist, but couldn't. As much as she hated to admit it, she loved Ryan no matter how bad he was to her. He cheated on (y/n) with so many people, but she never stopped loving him. She's caught him in bed with so many people, but she always found a way to forgive him.

Ryan pushed her body against the wall and they grinded onto each other. Ryan made his way down to her neck before sucking on her and he was sure to leave a mark. He continued down to her collar bone and removed her pink button up shirt.

She moaned as he traced his hand over her breast. Ryan traced his hands all over (y/n)'s exposed body. She was enjoying Ryan so much. She didn't even seem to think of all the times she found him in bed with Keltie Colleen or Z Berg. It was six times, but who was counting.

"Ryan," she said in between moans, "bed."

Ryan obeyed and lifted her up and took her to their room. The room where he had so many times (more than six) cheated on her.

He laid her on the bed and began taking off his clothes before making his way back to her. He removed her pants and underwear. He trailed his long fingers up to her bra and took it off and dropped it to the side of the bed.

He attacked her lips and they were desperate for more. (Y/n) knew that she shouldn't forgive Ryan for anything, but she needed him more than anything.

He entered her and began thrusting into her core. The room echoed with their moans. Ryan picked up his pace and soon, (y/n) couldn't take anymore.

"R-ry I'm g-gonna-" she couldn't finish her sentence, because Ryan cut her off.

"Cum baby." He said and with that she let go of everything. Ryan made his way down to her opening and connected his lips to her.

(Y/n) put one hand in Ryan's hair as he began to eat her out. She pulled at his hair, but he didn't mind. He actually loved it.

She pulled his face back up to hers and kissed him with a passion that was filled by true love. (Y/n) wasn't ending this with Ryan on top. She put Ryan on his back and he happily agreed.

She slowly sat on his unit and began to rock back and fourth. Ryan began to spit out a string of curse words and kept moaning her name, until something else came out.

"Z, fuck." He said before realization hit (y/n). She stopped and Ryan looked up. "Why did you stop?" He obviously didn't know he just screamed out the wrong name.

"Really Ryan?" She asked disappointed and hurt.
"(Y/n) what's wrong?" He asked still having no clue as to what he did.

"I'm just gonna go." She said getting off of him and walking out of the room. She didn't want to cry, but it just happened. She went to the guest bedroom. She was a mess and she was still aroused, but she was hurt more than anything.

The next morning, she woke up earlier than Ryan and decided it would be good if she left. So that's what she did. She packed a little bag and was almost out the door, before being called back by Ryan.

"Where are you going?" He asked confused. (Y/n) turned around and starred at him.

"Do you honestly still not know what you did?" She asked getting very frustrated with Ryan.

"I thought we were gonna put that behind us." He said sadly.

"We were, by then you started moaning Z Berg in bed last night!" She yelled.

"I don't know why your blaming me-" She cut him off. (Y/n) had enough. She couldn't deal with someone as childish as Ryan.

"No! You listen to me right now! I have always loved you. Everything single thing. I forgave you every time you cheated on me and you think it's okay for you to say you did nothing wrong. I'm so tired of you being like this Ryan! I can't deal with you being so childish. I want a divorce!" Those were the last words she said before storming out of the house and driving away.

She went over to her friends house. That was where she would be staying until she had gotten a place of her own. Boy, did (y/n) feel great. She finally took out the trash!


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