Dallon Weekes

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You knocked on the door. It took a few minutes, but the door was finally opened. On the other side stood Breezy and Dallon, all dressed up.

"Hello Weekes parents!" You said enthusiastically, which made them smile.

"Hey (y/n). Come on in! The kids are waiting in the living room." Dallon said letting you in.

"Thanks so much for doing this! I know you were probably busy, but we really appreciate it!" Breezy said.

"It was really no problem! You two deserve a night out."

Soon, you heard the patting of feet running towards you. You felt Amelie and Knox hug you from behind.

(Y/n)!" The said loudly.

"Kids!" You said back turning around.

"Are you staying with us tonight?" Amelie asked.

"As a matter of fact, I am." You said tossing her hair around.

"Okay, so there is food in the fridge and if their are any emergencies, the doctor's number is on the fridge and you have our numbers." Breezy said going over her check list.

"Don't worry, everything will go fine." You reassured her.

She smiled at you. Dallon and Breezy said goodbye to the kids and then left. They were dressed nicely, so they were probably going to dinner.

"(Y/n) I'm hungry." Knox said pouting.

"Already? Well, let's go see what your mommy left for you." You said grabbing his hand an leading him to the kitchen.

You opened the fridge and saw food in plastic containers. That was probably for later, so you decided to give him some fruit. You put a bowl of fruit on the table and sat across from him.

"(Y/n) what's your favorite fruit?" Knox asked.

"I don't have one, they are all so good." You said smiling at him. "Wait, where's Amelie?"

"She's upstairs, playing with daddy's bass." Knox said as if their were nothing to it.

"Oh no!" You said jumping up. Amelie knows better than to play with Dallon's bass.

You walked up the steps and found Amelie. "Amelie, you know not to play with your dad's bass. Let's put it back." You said taking it from her and hanging it back up.

"I just wantef to play with it." She said pouting.

"When you come over to mu house, you can play with mine." You said smiling down at her.

"Okay." She smiled. "Can we watch a movie?"

"Sure! What do you want to watch?"

"Star Wars!" She said loudly.

"Okay, let's go downstairs and get Knox."

Hello everyone! This was requested by a friend of mine. So far I have one other to do, but if you want and imagine you should tell me soom so I can make a queue!

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