Brendon Urie

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Amber was walking around looking for her boyfriend Brendon. After searching with the help of her band mate, Ashton, she gave up. It was almost time for her to go on stage anyway. She passed by her other band mates, Thacher and Brantley on her way to her dressing room.

"Did you ever find Brendon?" Brantley asked.

"No, we couldn't find him anywhere." Amber frowned. She was really looking forward to seeing Brendon before her show.

Amber was apart of a band called Good Bye Agony. She was the lead singer. Brantley was the drummer, Ashton played the bass guitar and Thacher played the guitar. They had been a band around the time Panic! at the Disc was signed.

Amber had been with Brendon before Panic! had gotten big. They had been together for eleven years. Their bands were both good friends and everyone was waiting for Brendon to pop the question. I mean eleven years is a long time to wait! People are surprised that Amer stuck around. She had always been there for Brendon and had always helped him through his hard times.

"You ready?" Thacher asked knocking on her door. Amber took a deep breath before opening the door and walking out.

"I'm ready!" She smiled.

When she went on stage, she was vibrant and alive. They played through the whole set and had two songs left to do. Amber couldn't find Brendon in the crowd and had given up on looking for him. He promised he'd be here tonight.

"Oh, my God! We were so happy to be here tonight and If I could stay forever I would, but the boys and I have places to go and People to see. " She gave a small, final speech.

The guys began playing but stopped in the middle of the song. Amber looked around confused. Her first instinct was to look at Brantley who was standing on her right. He pointed in the opposite direction. Brendon was standing on the other side of the stage. He began singing 'Always' while walking to her.

Amber was sorta getting a hint, but didn't want to get her hopes up. Brendon stood in front of her, got on one knee and pulled out a small blue box. He opened it and inside was a diamond ring.

"Amber Brookes, you make me the happiest person alive. You are so beautiful, talented and I love you with all my heart. Would you marry me?" He asked and Amber's eyes got glossy.

"Yes, of course I will marry you Bren!" Brendon slid the ring on her finger and jumped up. They hugged for what seemed like hours, but was only 2 minutes.

"I don't mean to kill the mood, but we have a song to do." Brantley laughed. Brendon left the stage and they got back to playing the song.

When the show was over, Amber ran off stage and into Brendon's arms. "Oh my God, I love you so much!" She exclaimed happily. "Were you guys in on this?" She asked her band mates.

"We knew for a few months." Thacher laughed.

"Wow, I mad that you kept it, but glad that you did!" Amber said.

'I love you so much!" Brendon said lifting her up and throwing her over his shoulder. He brought her into the tour bus before ploppig her down and sitting next to her.

"I love you more." She said smiling at him.

"That's impossible!" They kissed each other, before the boys joined them on the bus.

"Hate to break it to you, but this is our bus too." Brantley said laughing.

Hello everyone! This was for the lovely _amberbrooke7_ who has been very patient! Hope you live it, and if I not, I would be happy to redo it!

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