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After Itachi left, all eyes landed on me. It was so quite that you could hear a Youkai walk past. But, I don't think there were any in there so, we're good. The first to speak was the basketball head. "Tobi thinks flower is pretty." He said getting up and out from the man pile. "Thanks. Um, I like your mask." I said, not sure if I was to complement him to or what. It was truly WAY to quite in this room. "Hey girly. Long time no see huh." 'What do I say, when have I ever talked to him.' 'Just stay cool and let me take over for a second. OK.' So that's exactly what I done. Next thing I know was I was stuck in my head and my enner took over my body. So, we switched places. "Yeah man. Its been a long time. How's life going for you.?" Outer? Said walking to the couch and sis on it. "Hm, good I guess. But, why are you here.?" "The fuck do you mean, why are you here. I brought her fat ass here because that baster of a leader asked me to. You jackass." Hidan said getting off the ground and walking over to me. "What did you just call me.?" I say standing up and cracking my nuckles. "I called you sla fat ass. You domb fuck." That's it. BAM. Hidan got sent through three walls. "Don't you dare, call me fat ever again. Next time you won't only go through three walls. I'll send you to outer space motherfucker." 'Holy shit. What did you just do. Switch me spots right now.' 'I was only giving him a tast of our medicine. Bit fiiine.' Switch. "Remind me not to call her names or make her mad. Yeah." Said the Ino look alike. "Wow, Tobi thinks your really strong." "Heh. That's what you get for calling little moma fat, Hidan."

Long time no update. Wellz, I'm back. But I'm kind of sad. Schools about to start. :(. But, oh well. I'll try. Love you all. ~ Kara the Akatsuki Wolf.

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