To. Much. Waiting.

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Well, I wasn't expecting to get pushed out of his office. And definitely not like that. 'What do we do now.?' I questioned myself. "I have no clue." I cept turning left and right trying to decide which way I should go. 'Oh, heres an idea, ask the leader were to go'. Inner said as if it was the smartest thing she's ever said. 'Fuck that. I don't know about you, but I don't feel like being rapped today. So forget that idea'. Still standing outside the door like a dombass. 'Fine, then lets go knock on someone's door.?' 'No, once again I don't feel like being rapped. OK. So stop trying to get some action.' All of a sudden the door I was leaning on, the leaders door opened back up. "Do you wanting to have sex, or are you lost.?" No fucking dip I'm lost. That jackass Hidan kidnapped me. I want to go home. "I don't know we're to go." I tried to play it cool. I can probably excape later. I meen, I know we're the exit is. There's a huge fucking hole were Choas tryed to break in from. "Go to the living room. It's down the hall, to the right, walk down that hall, and then you see a door, go threw it and take another right, and there you'll see another door. Right in there is the living room. Got it.??" What the fuck. How am I supposed to remember all that. "Uh  no, I don't fucking got it. This place is a fucking maze." I meen, yeah I have great memory but I'm good at remembering health and sometimes math. "Fine, would you like someone to guide you there.?" Yes finally. Now we're making progress. All I do is nod my head yes. "Alright. I'll be back in a minute. Stay here. I'll get someone." He goes back into his office, closes the door. 'God, if he has the time to call someone, then why can't he just bring us there himself.?' 'I think he thinks he's a king and doesn't have to do anything. I think.' The door then opens. "I got someone to bring you to the main room." About time. "Thanks, who.?" I ask. "You'll find out soon enough. But I can say one think, if he becomes to much of a handful, tell me. And I know you know him." With that said, he went back into his office/room.

Well there you go. Another chapter. Leave in the comments who you think  is going to guide Sakura to the main room. Hit that star, and I'll post soon. So hurry and comment. Love you. -Kara the akatsuki Wolf.

Akatsuki x Sakura.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat