No thank you.

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As pain and me enters the office he walks over to the desk and sits on it faceing the door. Which is still open. "Are you going to stand there with the door opend, or are you going to shut it and come sit with me."? Pain said looking somewhat amused. "I don't really want to do what your thinking of doing. So can I please go.??" I asked. Pain got off of the desk and walked slowly twords me. Backing me into the wall....AGAIN. Placing one hand on my cheak and the other on my hip, bringing us close. "And if I said you could go, would you tell anyone what I was doing."? He asked leaning close to my face. Only a few inches were between our faces now. And I was a little scared. What am I talking about, a little, I'm so fucking scared I could shit myself. When we were outside I thought about what all he could do to me. And I also herd he has more than one form. That's fucking scary to think about. " Your choice." 'Damn your so fucking inpatient.' Inner thought. "I won't tell anyone." "Promise.??" God what does he take me for, a tadeler. "I promise, now can I go.?" His amusment on his face went blank. "Fine, do as you wish. But know next time there won't be any leaving." I didn't even have a chance to reply as he shoved me out of the room and shut the door.

Welp, there's that one. I don't have much to say. Oh I know this doesn't even consern you guys but I need to get this out of my sistem. I was recently in the library and I was playing on a computer, when all of a sudden a cute boy comes up and sits next to me. Later we started talking and my time thing that pops up when your almost out of time shows up and he hands me his card. And I declined and he was like, "are you sure you don't want to use it beautiful.?" And I was so dumb founded by this and I just shook my head and said no thank you. And might I tell you he was two years older than me and fucking sexy. Later he left, asked if I wanted to use is again and I declined again. He said "bye beautiful." Pet my head like a dog quickly and left. - sorry. I had to tell someone, cus I can't tell my family, that won't let me go to the library my myself any more. And now in kind of mad to. I nec
Ver got his name or number, i should have asked. Damn it. Thanks for reading. -Kara the akatsuki Wolf.

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