Fuckers drive me mad.

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As I'm waiting outside the leaders door, I can't keep myself from wondering who is to take me to the main room. 'Well, its someone we know.' Inner says. Yeah. That help. 'Well, lets start crossing off the people we know who are in the akatsuki. And go from there.' I start to lean onto the door again. 'That for once was pretty smart. OK, we know Orochimaru, but he's not an akatsuki member anymore. We also know Itachi, but how can he be a hand full. Hidan also, but some reason I doubt it. Damn, I'm stumped. I think thats it.' As I'm thinking I don't seem to notice a presence coming up right besides me. "Are you ready to go to the main room.??" As he says that I look over and find... Weasle. A.K.A Itachi. "Damn, its you." I say letting out a small sigh and not carring to be nice. After Sasuke left I haven't liked any Uchihas. And oddly, they make me mad. "God, you not happy to see me.?? I remember you as a kid getting so happy to see me or my foolish little brother. What's different." Really. He asks what's different. Wow. "Oh, I don't know. Maybe it's that I was kidnapped while on a mission by a butt hole who cept calling me a bitch. I see a old friend for maybe 10 minutes and then she leaves. Your leader tryed to rape me... Again. So you tell me WHATS FUCKING DIFFERENT UCHIHA.!!" I yell. Not carrying who hears me. "OK..... Let's just go." He grabs my hand and practically drags me to the living room.

Hey hey people. So I was thinking, I'm not going to post the next chapter untill I get about 2 comments. No one has been commenting realy but ether my real friends or another person. Sorry, I forgot your name. I could go and look, but I'm so fucking tired. Its 6:33am right now. But I'll say it at the begging of the next chapter. So if you want the next one... You better fucking comment. Well anyways, I'm going to bed. Love you. -Kara the akatsuki wolf.

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