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"Who's t-there. Were am I."  Sakura thought about her choice of words. The mans voice scared her for a moment. "This is the akatsuki and my name is Pain"  Sakura was suffering to find the right words. She finally decided to say 'why am I here' but she was beat to it by Pain. Or that's what she thinks he said. "Why are you here, you ask??" Sakura began to figet. 'H-how did h-he know I was thinking that.' She thought. "I can read minds and yours is not that hard. Even if I couldn't, I would still be able to tell what your thinking. You show a lot of emotions. I think you should work on not being so ovios on what your thinking." Pain spat out with almost no care in his voice. I mean what does he care anyway. "Why should I give a single flying fuck what you think." Sakura spat out with vinom in each word. Pain walked closer so she finally got to see what he looked like. He grabbed her by the neck. "Because I am the leader of the akatsuki and your master from now on. You will do as I say, or there's going to be a big punishment. And I don't think your virgin body would like what I have in mind." With that he let out a small smerk and gave a spine chilling laugh. Sakura tried to speak but he still had a hold of her by the neck. "If you understand, say "yes master". He loosend he's grip just anough for her to talk. 'What do I do. Do I say it or try to fight. No no no no. He's the akatsuki leader. I'm no match for him. Just suck it up and say it.' "Yes m-master." With that pain let out a new laugh. One that was like a satisfied but yet not completely done. "Good girl. I'll go and let you sleep in a bit longer. I'm sure your head herts a bit." Sakura quickly reached up to her head to try and find out what he was talking about, but found nothing. 'What's he talking about'. She thought. Then she began to get dizzy, and couldn't stay awake. She fell asleep. "Sleep well my dear."

                                                                                     Well that's it for that chapter. Sorry that I hadent been updating it. But I'm back. Please comment what you think. And talk to you later. -Kara the akatsuki wolf. ^-^

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