Finding the Bright Side 10

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SORRRY I HAVEN'T POSTED IN FOREVER!  but something tragic happend andi ddin't get to update! Plus exams are coming up so i have to study my butt off and i have games and practices so pls bear with me!! i hope you guys still read! 




Chapter 10

I stood outside the school waiting for Ryder but he was still not there. I pasted back and forth infront of the school and it's been fifteen minutes now. The school was practically empty.

Well not for Jake and his friends hanging around their cars.

I remember sitting in his car when we would go to the top of the Hollywood sign and watch the stars. We would always go there when we both just wanted to relax and run away from the bullshit, school work and all the stress. I felt like I was on top of the world , just carefree and not giving a single fuck. Those were the good days, then reality check came and hit me.

I could catch him still looking at me , giving me glances here and there. But since lunchtime he hasn't talked to me.I guess the Ryder thing backed him off. Why would he be scared of Ryder though?


It's been an hour and Ryder isn't here yet. I know he's still here, his car and a couple of others were still in the parked in the parking lot. Why would 

he leave without his car?  

I've been sitting here playing candy crush on my phone . I decided I should just walk home since we lived not far from here but then I came to the conclusion that I didn't have any keys for the house.

After waiting for now two hours he finally barged out of the school.

"Where have you been?" I asked in a pissed tone him gripping on his arm.

"Oh you're still here?" he asked confused like he thought I would've gone home.

He was wearing the same thing as this morning except his hair was wet and he wasn't wearing his beanie , plus now he had a big gym bag slung across his shoulders instead of his black backpack.

"I think I would've gone home if I had keys!" I yelled. I definitely sounded pissed and boy I was. I'm hungry and I want to go home!

"Well, sorry! I forgot to tell you we had practice ! And plus coach didn't let me leave when I was already there." he apologized.

"You're on a team? " I asked letting go of his arm.

"Yeah, swim team and Basketball. " he nodded.

"I've been in my old school's swimteam, and I've never seen you."

"What's your old schools name? " he asked.

"Avondale" I said with my chin up. I know he would say some crap because our schools were rivals.

His eyes widened at my word.

"Ravens rep!" I yelled fist pumping the air.

"Boo!" he interrupted. "So you're the famous Katie they talk about, I thought you guys just had the same name."

"Well thank you , thank you" I said in a poor British accent,

"Did you know because of you, our girls for swim , Cross country and volleyball never won any state champion ships"

"I have my trophies." I said joking.

"But your in McKingsley now. You're part of the Wolfpack," he said winking. "You should come to practice with me sometime, now your in our school we'll beat Avondale! "

"I'm not joining any teams. This is Avondale's number one rivalry. I'm not turning against my school. " I said disagreeing at his offer.

"But you don't go there anymore Katie" he smiled sheepishly at me,

"Since you have no ride tomorrow, you have no other choice to come with me to practice" he said feeling like he'd won the conversations

"Or maybe you can give me the keys and I can go home by myself. "I suggested with a smile.

"What about no? " he said heading towards his car.

I followed him.

"Please! "

He ignored me.

"Fine be like that" I said crossing my arms over my chest.

We got in his car and we started driving out of the school parking lot.

Ignoring what I just said earlier he spoke "You never told me what happened to your bruises."

My blood started to boil . I hate talking about this. "I don't have to" I blurted out . I didn't want to talk about it. I'll just get reminded on how it was my fault my sister died.

"Keeping a secret to your self can just make it worse" he said looking straight down the road.

"I know" I replied looking out my window.

"Well, do you want to tell me why you dated Jake?" he asked trying to keep the conversation going.

"I don't want to talk about him" I don't know why I was being rude. I haven't talked about Jake to anyone and I don't plan to any sooner.

"Stop, being ignorant."

I finally faced him. "Look, stop being in my business! How would you feel if I asked you about your personal life?" My tone was louder and I was mad, how can he call me ignorant? He doesn't need to know about my personal life.

"Ask me anything" he said calmly still looking straight ahead.

It was my time to ask about what's between Jake and him! "Fine, then why do you hate Jake so much and what happened between you two?"

"Well, Jake is an ass if you haven't noticed" I chuckled. "And we got in a big fight and I beat the crap out of him. He's a piece of shit. After the fight he hasn't done anything bad he's been laid off. "

I was shock at his story. He was the reason why Jake was blooded and beat up that one time, it's Ryder's fault.

"YOU FUCKING IDIOT! Why did you hurt him?" I yelled out , I was mad.

" You're the one that wanted to know, besides why are you so defensive I though you broke up with him?" he questioned still staying calm.

"No, I haven't exactly broken up with him yet. " I said lowering my self in the seat feeling stupid.

"Are you stupid or are you stupid? Why would you even date him in the first place"

'Are you stupid' those three words. that came out of his mouth. I didn't hear Ryder though. I heard Bill and Mom. Just as they would've said every day from the second I wake up to the second I fall asleep.

"Shut up Ryder, you don't know anything. " I said looking out the window with a shaky tone. I wanted to cry but I don't want to look weak infront of him.

Ryder noticed this and just stayed quiet . We made it home and I rushed straight up to my room.

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